Chapter 8

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Vanessa's POV. 6:30 pm

Walking around hand in hand with Isaiah felt like a dream bikers may seem tough but they're giant puppies.
"Watcha thinking about in that big beautiful brain of yours".

"a woman never reveals her thoughts Isaiah and if I told you your ego would grow to the size of the moon now gimme your basket mister I gotta check how many strawberries we've got between us to make a pie". I grinned cheekily at him while reaching out my hand.

His face lit up at the idea, and slowly he reached his hand over. fingers entwining with mine as a vine did on a house it was so uplifting as he smiled "alright ma'am you lead this train".

"Oh Thank you ever so much kind, sir, it seems to me we got ourselves enough to make a delicious golden strawberry pie". I rifled through the basket counting and inspecting each one to make sure it was perfect.

"My god Vanessa you are like a strawberry-picking speed demon slow down darling". Isaiah chuckled as I stepped back to take a breath.

"There's no time for breath sweetheart we gotta get back to mine put those strawberries in a container and head to our next destination now COME ON SLOWPOKE". I exclaimed while running away from him and towards the car.

"BABY YOU BETTER RUN COS WHEN I CATCH YOU YOU WON'T BE LAUGHING". I hear him hollering from behind me. "STOP RUNNING SO DAMM FAST WOMAN". I heard him shout behind me.

"IM NOT RUNNING FAST YOU JUST HAVE SHORT LEGS". I looked behind me to see him catching up fuck I gotta run faster.

"Oh there ain't nothing short about me Honey now get your butt in the car so we can get to whatever you have planned". I suddenly hear him whisper next to my eye and shriek as he opens the car door and throws me across the driver's seat like a rag doll and with that, we set off baskets in the backseat and sun beating down on our skin with the windows down.

We pulled up to the place where the painting classes were taking place. 

"Vanessa please tell me we aren't gonna strip naked in front of a random group of people just so they can paint us not happening nope".

"Oh my lord seriously Isaiah your such an idiot we're gonna be painting not stripping naked I thought it could be fun and your brother may or may not have let slip that you were an artistic genius all through high school sooo voilà big bad biker is going painting now let's go macho man". I smirked to myself as i heard the door slam and him cursing me out under his breathe.

"Hi everyone my name is Liza and I'll be your painting guide today so first I'd like you to set down your bags rack off your jackets and set up your easels". And I did exactly that Isaiah however already had his paints and paintbrush in hand doing something on the easel that I'm not entirely sure was innocent.

"Psst Isaiah Isiahhhh whatcha painting oh that's disgusting Isaiah what the hell why that's not even accurate" I grimaced while looking at his supposed rendition painting of various positions of things that shall not be named.

"And how would you know you been watching a lotta porn in your spare time". he turned away from the easel to give me a sly grin.

"No actually your brother showed me a few of em during my high school years".

"if he showed you than I think you need to experience them the right way It's like painting some artists have more softer methods but i prefer a more rough hands on treatment". and with that panty dropping statement he turned back to his easel once again.

"Isaiah for the love of god shut up stop making me blush and focus on painting your damm picture". I rolled my eyes turning around to hide my glowing red cheeks from him as I returned to painting.

Reaching down to dip into another paint I looked up and realised two things. One the class was over and two it was about to be midnight.

If me and Isaiah were gonna make that pie we needed to head home now so I packed all the paints away and went over to the wash station to rid myself of all the paint stains currently occupying my hands.

"Alright so I may have embellished a little when I said I used to make pie all the time it was mostly my dad and I would sneakily eat the strawberries my mom picked for us until she caught us and kicked us both out of the kitchen". I looked sheepishly across the kitchen counter at Isaiah.

"Y'a know my Ma always used to leave a bowl of cut up strawberries on the counter beside her too but she would always end up making me taste test them to see if they were any good or not i was happy to be the taste tester".  he hummed while slicing the fruit beside me feeling my eyes on him when suddenly I picked up a strawberry from the bowl his eyes following my hand.


"How bout we get to work then darling ". He slowly opened his mouth maintaining eye contact as i placed it gently on his tongue watching his tongue lap at the juices running down my hand.

"baby to be honest I'd rather be doing something else then making this damm pie". He pulls back looking up me while biting his lip

I spot a can of whipped cream on the side I reach over to grab it and squirt a line across my chest and neck smearing it slightly with my fingers

"Oh look what you've done Isaiah be a good boy you've made a mess clean it up".

"Yes Ma'am He sends me a grin as he bends down to lick a stripe up my neck". I squirm as the feeling of the cold cream on my skin clashes with the searing touch of Isaiah's tongue sucking and biting.

"You know what I think we should take a break honey". " Yeah".  he responded the whip cream was right beside him so she walked up her arm going forward as he looked at her until she grabbed the can she noticed Isaiah flinch. "Sorry did I scare you she questioned a slight smile graced her lips. Soon he noticed they were closer than before. "Do you want some". she questioned watching as he audibly gulped giving a soft nod.

" I need words baby". I let my nails rake up under his button up shirt until noticing how his breathing quickened as I slowly worked my fingers on the bottoms of his shirt taking my sweet time as his shirt fell to the floor he grasped my wrist tightly. "Yes Ma'am". he hummed out his eyes looking everywhere but her own his eyes shot up to mine.

"Good now tell me what you want" I hummed softly hooking my fingers under his chin " I want some of it" he spoke looking deep into my eyes and I  smiled bringing the can to my neck as it started a line his eyes followed until he heard my voice again.

" Go ahead be a good boy". i whispered in his ear as his lips attached to my skin slightly nipping until he got to my face were he licked at the whip cream at the corner of my mouth i tugged at his hair hands nails raking his scalp pulling him down to me on as we stumbled backwards my back hitting the counter.

"Whew I think we should stop there". I gently pushed him off and headed  over to the sink to grab some paper towels i watched as he wiped himself off and put his shirt back on.

"Thanks for a mind blowing end to an amazing date". Isaiah winked at me leaving me flustered and red faced as he kissed my cheek and left.

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