Chapter 20

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Vanessa's POV.


"Okay, babe take some deep breaths do you feel like we have enough time to get to the hospital or am I gonna deliver these little gremlins myself".

"yeah um, I don't think we're gonna make it I can feel one of them moving". "I'm gonna go grab my phone and call your midwife to let her know what's going on see what's going on down there".

"Okay take your pants off I have to see what's going on down there".

"Jesus Isaiah say it less like a twelve year old boy and I might".

"Oh come on you know what I meant the midwife told me to check how far along you are".

"Oh Yeah sure but go ahead if you must I guess you've seen everything already". I watch him with a barely concealed groan of pain as I start to feel my contractions worsen.

"You okay are your contractions starting up you look about 4cm dilated". "Seriously are you sure it feels more then four it has to be more then four".

"Nope I just talked to the midwife I described how it all looked down there to her and she said that it sounds like your about four centimetres along".

"Well then I guess we just gotta sit tight and start watching Better Call Saul again until my contractions decide to start up again we can start it from where we were watching it a few weeks ago".

"Or here's a better idea I could help you along a few centimetres by y'a know". He said with a playful smirk.

"Isaiah I'm begging you please shut up or I will finish this damm show without you". "Fine fine but don't come crying to me when you want help because if you do I will have to use my good christian boy strength to resist you".

"Isaiah Aubrey James I swear to god I'll put you outside if you don't stop playing with me".

"How the fuck do you know my middle name Vanessa not even my brother knows that".

"Are you sure cos he was the one that told me or hey maybe you mumbled it in your sleep or when you were drunk you'll never know cos I'll never tell I'm no rat".

"Alright then have it your way". He mimed him locking his mouth as he turned towards the tv when I started up the Netflix.


"Alright, we should probably check how far along you are now".

"Oh come on I just started watching the show". I huff  in annoyance grabbing the remote pausing the show.

"No actually we've been watching it for four hours now we started it at 5pm it's now 9pm".

"Ugh fine if we must but I'm not pausing the show it's at a good point". I press resume on the show as he checks me.

"JESUS your nearly fully dilated your seven centimetres dilated Darlin".

"Shit okay your right now I can feel fuck ow ow ow FUCK". I exclaimed as the pain grew stronger".

"Okay I'm gonna call the midwife and update her on what's happening you sit tight don't go anywhere".

"Oh yeah because in my current condition, I'm totally gonna grab the car keys and go get a McDonald's".

"Well I mean if your offering I'll take a milkshake and some fries".

"Now you know damm well I can't eat anything so hush up and just go call the midwife will y'a".

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