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(So im literally writing this on my phone because I hate my class and I felt like now was the time to just wrap up the story, sorry for taking so long to get here though!)

Third person/Narrative POV

"Kellin?" Vic called down the hallway, "Copeland wants her, uh, mommy" his voice had a light laugh to it.

Kellin strolled in with a smile on his face "mommy really?" He chuckled "don't call me that again, okay?"

Vic put his hand up in defense "You got it babe" he said and pecked Kellins cheek before carefully giving Kellin their new daughter.

Kellin and Vic were married shortly after Vic popped the question, they were eager to start over together and finally tie the knot. They were together for 5 months, both excited to be newly weds, that was until Vic wanted children. Kellin wanted them too, but he wasn't so sure about them so soon. Things were going good in their life and he didn't want to rock the boat too much. Vic had other thoughts though, he felt like their relationship would slowly start to drift away, Vic was, well, himself. He was scared but didn't want to admit it. He always wanted to be the strong one.

Kellin constantly denied it which only brought on problems, they knew that their relationship wasn't perfect and excpected fights to happen I mean in their relationship it was bound to be a rocky road from start to finish. Vic pushed it off for awhile though, until Kellin found a new member for sleeping with sirens. Vic brought the idea to mind about how his cousin was a very good guitar player, and a month later their new member was in.

Vic and Kellin were happy again. Their connection was strong and love for each other grew stronger everyday. Kellin decided to bring up the idea of a child again, Vic was so excited where as kellin was nervous. He knew he was ready but it was going to take some getting used to, of course.
Nearly a month later Vic and Kellin were fathers to their beautiful daughter Copeland.
Touring died down for a bit while they were settling into their new life. Kellin grew out of the fear and was so happy that he decided to go through with it.

Here they were now, sitting with a daughter of their own. 18 months married and going strong.

Kellin rested his head on Vics shoulder, their little daughter fast asleep in Kellins arms.

"Wow" Kellin said

"What?" Vic asked him quietly, not wanting to wake Copeland.

"Our life has been a never ending journey of ups and downs, and for once I feel like everything is going to be okay from here on out."

Vic kissed Kellins cheek "As long as I'm with you, everything will be okay. I love you Kells."

"I love you too, Vic" Kellin said, a happy sigh escaping his lips "and I love you too Cope"

A/N sorry it's so short wow but it is an epilogue and Idk I'm in class haha but here it is the absolute final I know I'm sad it's over but I will.be starting a new story that is a jalex! It may take awhile to get the story started up but I'll update back when I get the story going :)
Thank you for reading!

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