6. The Impossible Planet Pt.1

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"So, where are we going?" The Doctor asked, eyes flashing between Sky and Rose. The younger human girl, freshly refreshed, stood by the railing watching Sky and the Doctor as they both worked on the console.

She didn't really understand why Sky was doing anything. The Doctor had been flying alone all this time, surely she wasn't needed? If she was then he could have taught her at least a little in all the time she had been aboard.

"Anywhere, anywhere without gingham and doilies would be lovely." Sky had changed out of her blue tea dress eventually after discovering a box of old clothes hidden amongst the wardrobe. It had only taken her an hour to find it, which wasn't bad considering there were several floors and cubbyholes to explore. In exchange for the stiff cotton she had chosen a simple pair of black jeans, a loose grey t-shirt and a black cargo jacket. Simple and good for running...a preparation she couldn't quite shake.

She tapped a flashing button, flicking the switch which snapped upwards as a result, before catching Rose's attention. "Anywhere you would suggest?"

Rose shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Well, there's so many places I've already seen." She was trying to be smart, trying to show off. Having just met this woman it was probably rude and childish but she didn't care, these were meant to be her adventures.

But now, here was this woman. This woman who had a past with the Doctor, the past he had refused to even discuss with her. A woman who had already got him to love her.

In the space of an evening, Rose had gone from being the one and only, to the third wheel, being forced to watch as they ran around and laughed with one another in the TARDIS. Sarah Jane had been bad enough and this was ten times as bad.

However arose couldn't help but be curious about where she had come from? Why this woman had run away and given up searching so easily! If they had been so in love, why hadn't they always been together?

"You're telling me." Rose's smirk came back to her through Sky, as the Time Lord walked over to the Doctor and put a hand to his shoulder. "How about a random heading?"

"Oh, you want to leave it to chance so early?" He replied, unsure...until he smirked and wrapped an open palm around a hidden lever. "...alright." The TARDIS shook, rattling violently as he stood straight and grinned at Sky who held on to the console for her life.

"You still haven't passed your test then!" Huffing, she stood and sorted out her clothes as the shaking slowly desist...too slowly. She sounded like a giant with hunger pains.

Sky scowled as she ran towards the door to the TARDIS, Rose following shortly behind although she was hesitant as the woman swung outside, stroking her hand over the wooden door.

"What have you done to her?" Sky frowned, quickly disregarded the fact they looked to have parked when in a very tight closet, and focusing on the sound of the TARDIS wheezing amongst crates and boxes. "Are you okay?" Rose didn't let the question go unrecognised as she realised she was speaking to the TARDIS again.

"I don't know what's wrong." The Doctor finally joined them. "She's sort of queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land." He appeared next to her, shrugging on his coat, and made a round of the blue box.

"Well, that always bode well for us before." Sky smiled cheekily.

"Oh, if you think there's going to be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else." Rose suggested casually, followed by a prolonged unnatural silence. Then she burst out laughing, randomly, the Doctor joining in...and this continued for a good few moments too long before they sighed and calmed.

"I think we've landed inside a cupboard. Here we go." There was a hatch door needing to be unlocked by computer, or in their case sonic screwdriver, and then a thick manual airlock release.

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