13. Lupa

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Theta had taken her by the hand, once silence had settled over them and they had prematurely attempted to decode each other's minds. He had led her through the TARDIS, led by the machine itself through various illuminated hallways, towards a door which was just a plain old door until Theta opened it.

Inside, it was anything but plain. It was a room more fitting to an old Manor House, dimly lit and cosy with old leather sofas in the centre of the room, an oversized tapestry rug laying between the dark mahogany feet and the hard oak floor. Against the walls were cases upon cases of books, stacked with rows of classic novels, future works of art from masters and paupers. Stories ranging from romance to horror, from fact to fiction.

Paintings hung on the walls; originals obviously, very rare and famous originals. It was calm and quiet and...it welcomed Sky in more than she could explain. The TARDIS practically drew her into the room.

Upon entering, Sky had smirked and muttered something about him decorating, not looking back as she traced the outline of the entire room before retiring on the couch. By the time she looked back over her shoulder, Theta was gone.

Since then, she had been waiting for him on that couch. Waiting, thinking, listening to the occasional curse which came from somewhere deeper in the ship.

'What is he doing?' In reply, the TARDIS gave a sort of whelp, as if she too were in despair from what she was seeing.

Finally, after about twenty minutes, the door creeped open and he walked in with a plate before shutting the door behind him.

"You took your time." She smiled, sitting up and sliding along the couch to make room for Theta as he sat down and put the plate between them. It was filled with a variety of things, biscuits, sandwiches, cake, bacon...

"I didn't know what you liked." Theta explained before she could ask and he saw the confused smirk rise up on her lips.

"Neither do I really." Sky laughed and picked up a ham sandwich from the looks of it. "Between regenerating and turning human, I only left a couple of hours. All I've ate is protein one." Laughing, she took a bite but instantly started to shake her head. Lelia's face contorted into a look of pure disgust as Theta began laughing boisterously.

"No to ham then?"

"No. No...bread." She swallowed and then threw what was left of the sandwich back onto the plate. "Texture. No, absolutely not." Thin, chalky, awful white bread. No.

"Well, you'll not like anything available for lunch in 19th Century England..." Theta clicked his tongue and reached for something else on the plate. "Here, try this, you've always loved chocolate." Upon hearing chocolate, the woman barely kept the chunk in her hand for longer than a second before it was dropped onto her tongue.

And only another second passed before that same squashed up face from before returned. "Hmmm nnnn nnnmm." She groaned and squirmed and forced herself to chew, looking as if it were going to poison her.

"What! No!" Why was he rejoicing? Why was he finding this humorous?

Lelia glared at him as he grinned at her, scraping her tongue with her teeth as if it would remove any of the left over taste from it. Normally it was like...heaven or sweet cream, sometimes bitter. Not this time. "Tastes like mud, where did you get that from?" Lelia squealed.

"The shop near Rose's flat. It's the normal kind of chocolate. Named after a Galaxy apparently."

"Which one? The Crab Galaxy?" Lelia's tongue darted out of her mouth another couple of times, lapping at the clean air. "That's vile...I hate regeneration."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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