What's Inside That Counts

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Steve watched you as you talked to Natasha. The way your eyes lit up and you threw your head back when you laughed. The way your hair moved in the light. There was something about you. He had definitely been flirting before. Something he almost never did. Plus he'd shown you his art. He didn't show people that either. But the connotations to Bucky's suggestion of keeping you - Steve didn't even know what to do with that revelation.

Bucky had his chin resting on Steve's shoulder, and his fingers still skimmed over his abs. Steve put down the pot of boiling water that he'd been using to make a pot of tea, and coffee in the French Press, and he turned in Bucky's arms. "What do you mean 'you want to keep her'?" Steve asked.

Bucky stepped back and shrugged. "She's cute."

Steve scowled, his jaw clenching. "If this is how you tell me you want to break up."

Bucky flushed and lunged forward at Steve wrapping his arms around him and burying his face in Steve's neck. "No. No, no, no. Stevie. I love you. It's you and me."

Steve hugged him back, his hands stroking through Bucky's hair. He was not even sure why he said that. He knew it wasn't true. It was like he was feeling guilty for actually thinking the same thing. That he was attracted to this woman and maybe he'd like to explore that. So he needed Bucky to feel guilty about it too.

"We'll talk about it later. Okay?" Steve whispered. Bucky pulled away and smiled. He pecked Steve on the lips and helped him carry the drinks over to where you and Natasha sat. Bucky sat himself back on the floor next to your legs and Steve sat beside you.

"Thank you so much," you smiled, helping yourself to tea. "You have gone above and beyond in taking care of the injured delivery girl."

Natasha laughed. "Watch out, or you'll keep finding yourself back here all the time."

"I'm not sure that would be too bad," you replied.

Steve and Bucky shared a look, and you weren't quite sure what it meant.

The doors to the elevator opened and Vision and Wanda stepped out.

"There's word that Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes have been making new friends," Vision said.

"We wanted to see the new addition to the tower," Wanda added.

Steve shook his head. He couldn't even bring himself to correct them this time. You took over instead, introducing yourself and telling them that you own the chocolatier across the road and giving them the rundown of the accident. All Wanda seemed to hear was chocolate.

"Would it be okay if I have some?" she asked, coming and sitting next to Steve.

You offered her a broken rabbit and she took it, placing a piece in her mouth and moaning. "You should try this Vis," she said, offering him some.

Vision took a bite. "This is exquisite. Why hasn't anyone ever told me to eat chocolate in the past?"

Wanda laughed and shoved more chocolate in his mouth.

You kept looking at Steve's sketches. Somehow you knew that they were private, so you kept them guarded against the others. There were some that were quite dark. Then there were others that just seemed so full of hope. Often they were of Bucky, and you could see how far these two men had come together.

"These are really beautiful, Steve," you said, handing his sketchbook back to him. "Thank you for sharing them with me. Maybe you'd like to see some of my art sometime."

Steve nodded. "I'd really like that."

You started stacking the good eggs back into the basket when you heard the elevator open once more. This time Tony Stark stepped out. "Taking in strays again, Cap? Do I need to find a free room?" he announced loudly.

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