Finding Things to Do

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The sun warmed your skin as you lay on your daybed. You had your eyes closed under the large round sunglasses you wore. It was hot, peaceful, and secluded. The soft lapping of water by the steps and the gentle rustle of the gazebo curtains relaxed you and sent you into a doze.

You'd been on your honeymoon for 4 days now. The first was traveling, and the following three had been a mixture of fucking, sleeping, and jet lag. Now the boys had adjusted and they wanted to go do things. Scuba diving and snorkeling and windsurfing. All of which sounded fun, but right now - right now you just wanted to enjoy the sun and relax.

A few drops of water landed on your thigh and you slowly pried your eyes open to see Bucky standing over you. He was dressed in grey and red boardshorts and nothing else. Water beaded on his skin and ran in rivulets down his chest. He was flexing his metal arm. The plates shifted and moved as he made sure no water was getting into the delicate circuitry of his cybernetics. His hair hung down over his face and water pooled at the ends, forming large droplets that welled and fell landing on the mattress of the daybed and your skin.

"You're getting me wet," you said, pushing your sunglasses to the top of your head.

A devious smile played over his lips. "That's what I like to hear."

You lifted your foot and put it on his stomach in an attempt to push him away from you. It was like pushing at a brick wall. "You know what I mean."

"You mean like this?" he asked and shook his head.

Water sprayed across you and you squealed loudly. "Buck! You little shit!" He laughed loudly and collapsed down on the daybed beside you, wrapping you in his arms and getting you even wetter.

"How did you even get out of the ocean so quietly?" you asked as he started to place little kisses on your neck and along your collarbone.

"Ex-assassin. Remember?" he said, his hand grazing over your stomach and skimming under your breast as his lips ghosted over your shoulder.

"Buck! What's taking you so long?"

The sound of Steve's voice carried in from the water and Bucky sat up and looked out over the edge of the deck. "Oh yeah," he said. "I was coming to get you. There are rays. You should come see them. They're like weird, ocean, pancake puppies."

You started laughing. "What?"

"Stingrays. Come on," he said and scooped you up into his arms.

"Bucky, no!" you squealed, kicking your legs.

"Bucky, yes!" Bucky said, carrying you down the steps from your bungalow and straight into the cerulean blue of the ocean. He dropped you into the water and you immediately splashed him.

"Cut it out, you two," Steve called. He was bent over with his hands in the water, and you could see dark shadows moving around him. "You're gonna scare them away."

You waded out to him and saw them. Swimming around Steve was about a dozen or so dinner-plate-sized stingrays. They came up to him and let him touch them before another one pushed the first out of the way.

"What the hell, Steve? What are you the ray whisperer?" you asked as you approached.

"I told you, ocean, pancake puppies," Bucky replied, putting his hands in the water.

You followed after him and almost immediately you were swarmed by little swimming disks. They had leathery skin, and they seemed to particularly like it when you rubbed their dorsal sides.

"I'm not sure why this is happening. But I'm really glad it is," you said, laughing with both of your husbands.

"Next we might convince you to go snorkeling," Bucky suggested.

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