Baby Names

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Being pregnant with triplets was not exactly a cakewalk. Especially when you were such a workaholic. You were heavy and uncomfortable. Your back ached and your stomach was swelling with the size of the babies so quickly that you felt huge and awkward, even at the 20-week mark. Mostly you were bored. Being stuck in bed was boring.

The good news was, the babies were growing even better than expected. While the genetic tests had shown there would be no negative effects, it also appeared that the serum was helping with their growth and development.

Steve and Bucky were doting on you. You were rarely left alone. While they both still worked, they tried to time it so it was one or the other that was away, not both. It wasn't something they normally liked doing. Going on missions alone was difficult for Bucky's mental health, which meant Steve stepped up to do more, leaving him exhausted and strained.

This time, Steve didn't feel the need to save the world single-handedly. He was letting the others take over the role of leader. Sam stepped into it naturally, like he'd just been patiently waiting for his turn to shine. Major Carol Danvers also stepped up too, taking over some team missions when Sam wasn't available.

It meant the three of you could be together and excited for the three babies. So even with all the difficulties, you were all happy and excited and together. Today you were going to find out what you're having.

It was a good thing that the medical unit in the tower had been upgraded to deal with pregnancy because neither Bucky nor Steve was making it easy for you to get ready in time.

During your shower, Steve joined you first, followed shortly after by Bucky. You smiled to yourself as Steve started working the shampoo into your hair. "Good thing this shower is so big," you said, leaning your head into his hands.

"Because you're gonna get so huge?" Bucky asked. You nodded and he started laughing. His hands slide over your belly and he crouched down in front of you and kissed it. "I can't wait to see how huge you get."

"Gee thanks, Buck," you teased.

Steve started rinsing the suds out of your hair. "I'm with him, sweetheart. I can't wait."

"What do you think we're having?" Bucky asked, pressing his ear to your stomach like he was trying to hear them. It was a conversation that had been had so many times. Sometimes you all decided it must be two girls and a boy to balance things out. Sometimes two boys and a girl so you were all cloned. Sometimes you all thought it will be all boys so you remained the only girl in your slightly unconventional family.

You ran your hands through Bucky's hair and look down at him. "Won't have to wonder much longer. So let's hurry it up so we can find out."

He looked up at you. "Shower sex is a no right?"

You laughed and shook your head. "I think it goes against the whole bed rest thing, yeah."

"Damnit. Well, I'm getting you later for sure," he said.

"You do that, Buck," you teased.

He smirked up at you and part of you wondered if he'd ever stop looking at you and Steve like you both hung the stars, and how you would go back to a life where he didn't anymore.

After your shower, you dressed slowly and went to the medbay. You were greeted by one of the techs who led you right into the room where the ultrasound equipment was. You hopped up onto the bed and she fussed about you on the machine. When she finally squeezed the heated gel on your stomach the three of you were fidgeting impatiently.

She moved the wand around and everything was just a jumble. Sometimes you saw three heads, and sometimes only one baby was clear. Sometimes it was two. You could never clearly see all three at once, but when she turned the heart rate monitor on, it was so loud it made you laugh.

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