A First Family Christmas: Part 2

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Christmas was stressful at the best of times. Even when your family got along really well. Even when you were completely supportive and you had each other's backs. It didn't matter. There was still the stress of cooking for such a large group. Having to buy and wrap presents. Making sure any children were happy. Even with everything in line and on point, there was some stress.

So when you were preparing a Christmas meal for the Avengers and your own family while still jet lagged, you were in some kind of a nightmare. Especially considering the only two other people in the tower who were able to cook much more than breakfast food, one had never celebrated Christmas, and the other was also jetlagged.

Your flight had arrived the day before around midday, and you'd spent the day making the desserts and doing prep for the following day in the apartment you shared with Steve and Bucky. To be fair to the boys, they had helped you. Bucky helped to prepare the few things that needed doing for the meal, while Steve helped you decorate the dessert.

You'd ended up falling into bed around one in the morning, partially because of the work, partially because your body clock was well out of synch and you had just felt awake until then. It meant that when the sun filled the room and pulled you reluctantly from your sleep, you were woozy and exhausted. You tried to squirm your way out from in between the two sets of large arms that engulfed you but your movement seemed to trigger some kind of automatic cuddle response, and they both tightened their arms around you and moved closer to both you and each other.

You sighed and started placing slow kisses along Bucky's collarbone and on the crook of his neck. He hummed, and his arms tightened a little more, his fingers digging into your flesh as he clenched his fingers. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked down at you with a smile. "Always a nice way to wake up," he rumbled. He leaned in and kissed you softly, his tongue skimming over the corner of your mouth. You parted your lips a little and his tongue slid over your top lip and slipped into your mouth. He pulled back and looked down at you, his grey/blue eyes twinkling. "Merry Christmas, darlin'."

You smiled up at him. "Merry Christmas, Bear. You need to let me out of bed, so I can get started."

Bucky shook his head and nuzzled into you. "That doesn't sound right. I'm pretty sure you need to have your Christmas present."

"If my Christmas present is your dick, we're getting a divorce," you teased, wrapping your arms around his waist and teasing your hand over his ass.

"You're not just getting one present," he countered, rolling his hips against you.

You lifted the sheet and look down to see his cock, semi-hard and rubbing up against your pubic mound. "You didn't even put a bow on it," you whined.

Bucky broke down into a giggling fit and behind you, Steve made a low grumble and started to stir. "Whazgoinon?"

You reached behind you and ran your hands through his hair. "Bucky's just terrible at getting Christmas gifts."

Bucky started laughing harder, leaning his head against your chest.

"I don't..." Steve said confused.

You rolled over and kissed him. "It's fine. I really need to get up though. You guys have some fun. I'll see you up in the common room."

You wriggled out from in between them and Bucky's fingers skimmed across your skin. "Spoilsport."

You started with a shower and went up to the common room where you'd be cooking. Sam was already there making eggs, bacon, and waffles. "Mornin'," he said in greeting, a large smile on his face.

"What's all this?" you asked, coming up behind him and pouring yourself a coffee.

He shrugged. "I knew you wouldn't feed yourself and I haven't had a proper Christmas dinner since my mom died. I thought it was the least I can do."

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