Everything They're Not

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Steve's hand closed around your throat. You could feel his hot breath on your ear. "This is what you wanted, wasn't it?" he growled. His fingers tightened and you felt hands on your legs. One warm and calloused, the other cold and smooth. You looked down at Bucky crawling up between your legs.

"It's okay, darlin'," Bucky purred. "We'll take care of you."

His lips touched your pubic mound and his tongue swiped up.

You gasped and your eyes flew open. The sound of your alarm buzzed in your ears. You rolled over and switched it off. You were slick with sweat and your cunt tingled.

"Fuck," you cursed, sitting up. This was bad. Really bad. You were trying so hard to keep your crush on your friends under control. They were so good to you. You hated that there was this part of you that seemed completely unwilling to be okay with just friends. You hated that you kept having thoughts of them fucking you, intruding on you while you masturbated. You hated that sometimes, just remembering when they both gave you a hug at the same time was the thing that made you want to masturbate in the first place.

You got out of bed and headed for the shower. Your friendship with the boys had grown really strong in the last month. It was weird to get so deeply attached to people so quickly as an adult, as you were to Bucky and Steve. They were your best friends. Simple as that. You loved talking with them. You loved being with them. You loved them.

They came to visit you at work most days. They just hung out with you and the people who worked in the kitchen of your chocolate shop, joining in conversations that were happening around them. The others were so star stuck, to begin with. Soon they just expected them to be there for an hour or so a day. When they didn't show, they felt disappointed.

On most of the days they did show up they would force you to go out to lunch with them. Sometimes Bucky would literally drag you out the door. If you were too caught up with work, Steve would duck out and come back with something. Subs - pizza - perogies from the food cart that hung around outside the entrance to the Avengers Tower.

On your days off they took you out. Sometimes to see movies. Sometimes just to hang out in Central Park. They'd come over to your place some nights and you'd make dinner together. Bucky was a surprisingly good cook. Steve had now seen all your art and he'd shown you all of his.

They were so touchy too, which didn't help. Bucky more than Steve. Bucky would sometimes stand behind you while you worked, and just lean his chin on your shoulder, and watch you paint different colored chocolate onto some sculpture you were making. If you were out walking he held your hand or had his arm around your shoulders. But it wasn't just Bucky. In private, Steve was just as tactile as Bucky. There was a lot of incidental touching. Hands skimming over your arm as you passed him, fingers running up the outside of your thigh as you sat beside him. He always had his hands on Bucky too. When you and Bucky cooked. Steve got in the way, his arms wrapped around Bucky's waist, watching. When you sat and watched TV together you often ended up in a little puppy pile, Steve on the bottom, Bucky leaning against him, and you leaning on Bucky.

They'd only been away on a mission once since you met. It took them out of town for three days. When they got back Bucky was sullen and surly. They'd not visited you at work that day, but they'd shown up on your doorstep that night. You'd ordered Chinese takeout and your normally happy, talkative Bucky sat curled up and brooding on your couch. Steve just sat with him as you both talked, running his fingers through Bucky's hair until Bucky had fallen asleep.

"I'm really sorry," Steve had said. "I hate taking him on missions. He always steps in and does the things I can't bring myself to do. It makes him have a huge mental health backslide. He refuses to stay behind though. I would normally stay with him at the tower after a mission. Take a bath. Have an early night. He just really wanted to see you."

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