Bringing Them Home to Dads

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Rebecca had been talking about Alex for weeks now. How Alex had beat her on the most recent English quiz. How Alex had said some funny thing at lunch. How Alex had asked her on a date. You'd heard about how cute Alex was. How Alex's parents had moved here from China before Alex was born so they spoke Chinese at home. How Alex had their hair short at the back and long at the front so it was over one eye, and how Rebecca liked to push it back all the time. You'd heard about holding hands and going to movies and first kisses. Rebecca was smitten. She talked about Alex almost as much as she talked about her training with what had been hesitantly dubbed as the Young Avengers, and that topic took up a lot of her conversations. You hadn't pushed to find out more - just engaged when she had things to say. It was exciting and nerve-wracking to see your children become interested in dating. You knew heartbreak was inevitable. Yet, the joy of new love was amazing to watch and you were excited to see your kids starting down that journey too.

It was Rebecca who had asked if she could bring Alex home to meet you, Steve, and Bucky. Of course, you were excited and apprehensive. Steve was given specific instructions that there were to be no dad speeches, which made Bucky break down into laughter.

The three of you wanted to make it special. To have them feel welcome and not scared to be here. That way Rebecca, Sarah, and Anthony all knew that you had their backs and you trusted their life choices. When the inevitable heartache happened, then that would be made special too with an overload of chocolate ice cream, a big blanket, and action movies.

Rebecca told you that Alex was a vegan. So you'd searched high and low for elaborate vegan recipes. You and Bucky had spent the whole day cooking. There was a roasted butternut squash soup, and onion and mushroom tartlets. Followed by miniature vegan pot pies, sides of carrots roasted in thyme and rosemary, and similarly seasoned potato and sweet potato fries. Finally, for dessert, you'd made individual vegan chocolate and salted caramel pots.

Steve had set the table with the good dinnerware. The set you'd been given by your parents at your wedding.

As things were baking you'd received the announcement that Alex had arrived and you went out to meet him. Bucky close on your heels.

Rebecca and your dad came through your front door to find you, Steve, and Bucky standing in a row waiting. Rebecca rolled her eyes and ushered in Alex, who was standing behind her forward.

"Mom, dad, dad, this is Alex," she said. Alex was thin and androgynous. They wore dark eye makeup and had a lip piercing. Their jumper was loose and had black and white horizontal stripes and they wore it over neat black skinny-leg jeans that were cuffed at the bottom. "Alex, this is my mom and my dads. You probably know which dad is which."

"Rebecca that is not how you introduce people," Steve scolded. "Hello, Alex. I'm Steve."

Rebecca looked mortified as you each took turns introducing yourselves and even more so when Tony burst through the front door. He was almost totally grey now, and he had heavy lines on his face, but he still moved like a man in his early thirties. He still managed to hold the whole room's attention. "FRIDAY said the boyfriend was here! Where is he?" he said loudly.

"Alex is not my boyfriend, Uncle Tony," Rebecca corrected quickly. "Partners in crime," she added.

"I am so sorry, Alex," Tony said, shaking their hand. "I won't make the mistake again."

Alex shrugged lightly. "S'okay. Everyone makes the mistake at some point."

"Doesn't mean they should," Tony said. "So tell me all about yourself."

While Tony and Steve stayed with your kids and father, trying to find out every single detail about Alex, you and Bucky returned to the kitchen.

"Why did we assume boyfriend?" Bucky asked, returning the soup to the heat.

You shook your head. "Don't know. It's the default I guess. And you know, we both had at least one."

Bucky chuckled. "I never once questioned the fact she kept using them and they. Not once. Just my daughter is seeing a boy named Alex."

"I think I wondered about it once. And then I forgot about it. Oh well. We won't make that mistake again will we?" you said, taking the tarts out of the oven.

"I dunno. I am very dense," Bucky teased.

You plated up and the two of you brought things out on trays. "The first course is ready. Everything is vegan, you don't have to worry, Alex."

"Thank you," they said quietly. "Normally people just give me side dishes."

Tony took his leave and the rest of you sat down to dinner. You'd had this thought in the back of your head that there would be something very awkward about this night. That maybe you'd never like anyone that your kids brought home. Alex was quiet, but they opened up quickly given they were already comfortable around Sarah and Anthony. It seemed right that the first person that your loud, friendly, outspoken daughter would fall for was a small, quiet, artistic kid like Alex, who when they spoke about art and music their whole face lit up. It was like Bucky and Steve all over again. You wondered if this would stick for her. That it would be the romance of a century the way your boys were.

Alex politely complimented you after each course and when the dessert came out they poked it a little suspiciously. "This is vegan right?" they asked.

"It sure is. I promise. I can show you the recipe if you like," you said.

"Mom is really good with desserts, Alex. She sells vegan chocolate in the shop even. She wouldn't trick you," Rebecca assured them.

Alex took a bite, and it was almost like their eyes rolled back into their head. "Oh my god, this is the best thing I've ever eaten," they said, their mouth still full, so the words came out muffled and missing consonants.

"I'm so glad you like it," you laughed and took your own bite. The coconut milk in the recipe made it creamy and gave it a subtle nutty flavor that cut through the bitterness of the chocolate, and it was spiked with sweet caramel and salt.

"Sorry to interrupt but Alex Jiang's parents have just arrived. They are currently on their way up," FRIDAY announced. There was a joint whine of 'aww no' from all the kids.

You, Steve, and Bucky got up and went to the door to greet them. "Did they behave themselves?" Mrs. Jiang asked after you'd exchanged names.

"Alex was very polite, thank you for letting them come for dinner," Steve answered. "We'll have to get together more often. Maybe a large family lunch sometime?"

"That would be lovely. At our place maybe?" Mr. Jiang suggested.

"Alex are you ready?" Mrs. Jiang asked.

Alex whined and dragged their feet to the door, Rebecca's hand in theirs.

"Say thank you, please," Mrs. Jiang scolded.

"Thank you for having me. I had a great time," Alex said in an almost sing-song voice. They turned to Rebecca, blushed, and kissed her cheek before grabbing their mom's hand and dragging her out the door.

"Thank you again!" Mrs. Ziang called back as Alex dragged her down the hall.

You closed the door and turned and smiled at Rebecca. "Well, Alex is cute," you teased.

"Mom!" Rebecca cried, throwing her hands up and rushing from the room. You, Bucky, and Steve started laughing.

"And she's the one who wants to follow you two into superheroing," you said, shaking your head.

"Hey, mom. About that," Anthony said, looking a little sheepish. "You think I can start training too?"

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