x Two

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Morning sickness wasn't exactly fun. No strike that. Morning sickness was horrific. It had started early in your pregnancy. You were probably only two weeks pregnant when the first vague bouts of nausea happened. It was before you even knew you were pregnant and one of the first signs that you were. You were so excited when it happened. A sign that it had finally happened - you were pregnant. Then it had gotten worse. Throwing up in the morning but it passing so that the rest of the day was fine. Then it didn't really pass at all, you just felt off all day. Then certain smells would trigger bouts of vomiting. Coffee was a big one, which made going into the shop extremely difficult. You were eating ginger pills like they were candy.

By eight weeks it was an almost constant thing that plagued you, and if you only threw up twice in a day, that was a good day. Bucky and Steve took good care of you. They got you ginger ale and saltines. They held your hair and rubbed your back. They did all they could, but you just wanted it to end.

After spending the morning hunched over the toilet while Bucky held a cold compress against your brow and Steve rubbed your back, the three of you made your way to your first ultrasound. Bucky rode in the back of the car with you, and you rested your head on his shoulder.

The nausea had lifted a little by the time of your appointment, and you waited in the darkened room, sitting on a hospital bed waiting for the tech to come in.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Steve asked as he ran his fingers over your scalp.

"Better. Nervous. Excited," you replied.

"It's gotta be so small right now," Bucky said, running his hand over your stomach. "It's cool you can see inside there, and make sure they're okay."

"And later you can find out if it's a boy or a girl," you said, putting your hand on his.

The tech stepped into the room. "Hey, mommy. Ready to meet your baby?" she asked, without looking up from the chart she held. She raised her eyes and stopped dead for a second staring at Steve, and then Bucky.

"Ma'am," Steve said, giving her a nod.

She flushed. "Captain Rogers," she said. "And uh... who's the daddy?"

Bucky started shrinking down. He still got in his head when he thought people were judging him. You took his hand and he linked his fingers with yours. "Depends what you mean. But they both are."

There was the very briefest of falters before a huge grin broke out on her face. "Well alright. Are we ready to meet your baby?"

You shifted in position while she prepared the machine. Because of how early the ultrasound was happening it was being done internally, which in some ways was good because with all the morning sickness you weren't sure you could hold down enough water to do an external. It was less good due to the lubed wand that was about to get inserted into your vagina.

"There's going to be a pinch," the tech warned, before pushing it inside of you. You winced and squeezed Bucky's hand. The whole time she pushed it around you kept thinking how weird it was that you could take both Bucky and Steve's dicks in there at the same time (and they weren't exactly small on their own) but this was really uncomfortable.

"Well, this is interesting," she said, holding the wand in place.

"What is it?" Steve asked, looking at the screen of grey and black blobs trying to decipher what he was seeing.

"Well, do you see this little peanut shape, it has a little flutter?" she said, circling the image with a white circle.

"Yes," he said, looking at the screen. "But there's three like that."

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