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"ew..." You mumbled while staring at the building in front of you.

"don't be dramatic sweetheart, it's not that bad" Your mom reminded you but you just sighed.

You turned to her "why did I had to switch schools again? everything was fine at the last one why the sudden move?" You asked and she smiled at you "like I said it's a little surprise you have it be patient honey!".

You just scoffed and a little smirk started to appear on the corner of your lip.You thought about it, maybe she won the lotto-or better, she found a sugar daddy.Your thoughts were cut of by her sudden touch.She hugged you and you let her.

She pulled back "go, it's your first day and you shouldn't be late" she gave you that soft smile again and you slowly smiled back.

"ok...see you later!" You almost whispered but it was enough for her to hear it "see you!".

She walked back to her car and the only thing you wittiness was how she got a call and started talking.

You turned back to the building, it wasn't that bad actually.It looked modern and cool but you didn't know how the people here are like so you keep your cool and stop yourself from getting too nervous.

You started walking to the entrance and opened the door, there were many people outside already but they didn't stared at you like you except which was a relief to be honest, the moment you entered the building you saw more students.You were lightly surprised, the school was even prettier inside.

Your eyes wandered trough the hallway.There were many groups of people like, the guys that seemed to be the athletics and the girl group that seemed to be the diva's.You chuckled to yourself and started walking.

The school send you a email that said you have to go to the principal office after arriving at the school.

You saved the info in your mind and walked around, hoping to find the office by yourself.You didn't dare to ask one of the student just because you didn't want to look like a fool, but when a teacher passed by you stopped them and smiled warmly.

They smiled back "excuse me...miss?" You asked and she gave her attention to you "yes?".

"do you know where the principles office is...I-I'm new actually..." Your smile faded slowly, you don't know why either it's a mini habit.

"ofc! you walk down the hallway, and turn left, after a few minutes of walking you'll see the sing of her office" She replied and you smiled again.

"Oh...thank you!" You say and she continued walking away.You turned to the direction she pointed at and started walking.It wasn't hard but there were many people so you pumped Into a few of them and just some said sorry or cared to apologize.

The Hallway was a little too full but you finally managed to squeezed yourself out and find one that's more empty.

Your head turned right and left staring at the sings bellow the classrooms.You got so distracted by one that you couldn't control you steps and just pumped into a person hardly.It was so hard to you fell on your butt and yelp loudly.

"ah!" your stuff dropped and you rubbed your back, after a couple of seconds you look up.
It was a guy, he was still standing like a rock and he didn't even care to move.You got a little mad and started shouting at him "advice, watch where you going dumbass!".

You looked down and saw your dirty pants, you sighed and whipped the dust away and he turned to you "excuse me?..." he scoffed and you stood up.

"you heard me, if you decide to bump into strangers than at least apologize or help! a simple 'sorry' would've been enough" you yelled again and he chuckled.

He turned to his friends that were next to him and chuckled a second time."you heard her?" He laughed. "I did" His friend sighed and seemed to be a little annoyed.

"help?...you? who are you?" He turned to you and you felt a little embarrassed but played it off within a second.

Due to your silence and your gaze facing the floor, he came closer and kneeled down.He took your hair brush which fell out of you bag and came up again, you moved back a little bcs he was a kinda too close.He looked up at you and smirked.You can't lie he's really handsome but you ignored that thought immediately.

He came up again and handed it to you, you blushed a little and looked down.You tried to get it silently but he quickly moved it away making you fall a little forwards.

"ah ah ah!" He let out a provoking tone and you scoffed.You got mad and mumbled to yourself. "bastard..." He seemed to have heard it. "What was that?" He asked moving closer.

You didn't flinch nor moved a inch, you weren't afraid In fact, he should be the one to be scared.You didn't want to brag or make yourself look tough but even you knew, if someone makes you mad or angry, you're seriously another person.

"are you deaf? I said bastard"  You asked and crossed your arms.You noticed some of his friends widened his eyes, the rest also looked lightly surprised, looked like you hit his nerves.You had a mini smirk that no one notice but you.

"you have nerves lady..." He exclaimed and you sighed "not a good self defender are you?" you asked provoking and he started talking again "do you even know who you're talking to?" He asked and you came closer "No, and I really don't care, if you could excuse me I have no time for this nonsense so thank you and bye-oh...there's no sorry buddy" You tapped his shoulder 'comforting' him which made him even more mad.

You tried to grab your hair brush out of his hands but as soon as your hand touched it he grabbed your wrist and forced you to move closer, he turned around with you and made you hit the lockers wich made a loud sound.

"running away already?" He whispered loudly and you gave him a shocked and surprised glare. "how dare you-"He cut you off.

"it's my speaking turn kitty you talked too much.." You scoffed and cringed at the nickname.Kitty? seriously??
"don't call me that!-"you tried to defend yourself but he cuts you off once again.

"firstly, it's not my fault you don't watch where you're going.secondly, I'm not the person that likes being helpful-" You cut him off "so you're saying you're useless?" He sighed loudly while clearly being annoyed by your sassy attitude.

"I don't help anyone who's too dumb to help themselves, if you're fine and healthy then help yourself and don't expect me to save your ass just bcs other people are stupid and do it for you and lastly, I would watch that little mouth of yours before you regret it" He warned and you gave him a disgusted face.

"Kyle...she's new go easy on her..." his calm friend sighed and looked tired and annoyed.You turned to him again and forced yourself to get out of his grip.

After a few seconds of complaining he finally let you go and you glared at him.He didn't seem care and walked away giving you a dangerous smirk.Why tf is he smirking now, this dude is strange...


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