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Kyle scoffed. "...you're unbelievable-" Jake cut him off. "unbelievable?..." He stopped and suddenly squeezed your wrist harder and pulling you closer which caused you to bump into his chest.He ‚hugged' you for a moment and then grabbed your waist gently moving you away.You moved back calming your wrist down.

"Harass her like that again and I will be unbelievable!" He warned while moving closer to him and which caused Kyle to also move closer. "You in love with her already?" He teased and scoffed.

"I'm not in love with her, I'm just helping her getting out of your dirty hands, it's disrespectful to touch women like that Kyle especially when she told you to stop." Jake defended himself and walked to you after a silent while not wanting to hear Kyle anymore.He grabbed your wrist and checked them.

"I'm fine!" You let him know with a nervous smile. "No, I squeezed too hard didn't I?" He asked, you wondered why he was so worried tho. "I'm fine seriously!"
You say again making him calm down, he believed you and let you go.


You sigh loudly when sitting down on an empty table in the cafeteria.It's lunchtime and it's been a day since the incident happened and you haven't been able to concentrate, especially when the classes were with them.Kyle the 1st one.Jake the 2nd.and then It went on and on.

You haven't talked or dared to look at them since then and it actually made you go even more crazy, especially when both of them were staring at you half of the lesson.How do you know? Well they were sitting next to you.Jake didn't stare much, he just checked a few times which counted as starring for you, even tho he wasn't starring.He even ignored you when you wanted to ask Him something and every time you caught him staring, he immediately turned the opposite side and acted like something never happened.

Kyle on the other hand didn't even try to hide it, he would stare at you like it's the most normal thing ever.Well yesterday, he didn't interacted much today, he even seemed to be pissed or tired, he wasn't in a good mood clearly, yesterday when the teacher called him and asked what he was staring at, he ignored him and continued while saying 'beauty'.The reaction of the students you ask? Oh they all were like 'ohhh' and turned to you, when you turned to him to give a warning glare, he just smirked and shrugged his shoulders like he hasn't done something wrong, like he didn't call you a beauty in front of the whole class.We had Mr.Adams, the sassy teacher in that class and he glared at Kyle with a disgusted face when he heard his response.He was like;
"Stop this cringy shit or you'll get an F"

You now sit there alone which you didn't mind nor noticed.You groan and put both of your elbow on the table to let your head fall on your hand to hang there.

"I hate it already" You whispered to yourself.
"I feel you" You heard a female voice.It was a girl and she didn't hesitate to waste time and sit next to you.She sat there and stared at nothing.You at first glared at her confused but then just did the same.

"You know what I hate the most about here?" She asked you and turned her head to face you, you faced her too. "what?" You ask.
"Quinn Phillips." She exhaled and your eyes widen a little. "Oh, that dramatic bitch?""

"Exactly...it was really impressive by the way" She added about your fight and you smiled.
"I know right!" She giggled and you giggled with her.When both of you stoped she finally started talking again. "I'm Tiffany..."
"I love that name!" You compliment her with a smirk. "Aw, I love that name too!" You liked her humor and it made you wanna talk to her more.

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