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"a fight? on your first day?!" Your mom yelled in disbelief.You rolled your eyes. "calm down it wasn't that bad, she srsly deserved it! you should've seen the girls face she literally destroyed her" You dramatically explain faking a bit and your mother chuckles.

"Oh come on!-" you cut her off with a lie
"She said I'm a slut." Explaining it fast your mothers eyes widen and she immediately switched sides. "well why didn't you rip off her ugly extensions?"

You laughed at her comment.You grab her hands and smile „I know it's not okay what I did, I know you're worried so stop it there's nothing to be worried about, ok?"

She smiled back and then sighed.After the 2 of you talked about it for at least 10 more minutes she walked to the kitchen, you both rented a big apartment which really surprised you but when you tried to ask her about it she just said You have to be patient.You hate being forced to be patient and you hate patience, you never liked it and you're the most inpatient person to exist, your mom knew it but still that lady decided to ignore it an let you suffer.

You lay your body down on your bed and sighed, thinking about your first day.It wasn't the best but this fighting thing really boosted your confidence.

Not to forget, you kinda hoped that this Amber girl maybe wants to have something to do with you.I mean you helped her and based on her appearance she really looked like she needed help.


You then heard the voice of that bitch again "she deserved it-" you cut her off
"shut your fucking mouth before you regret it once again you-" Amber cut you off this time "it's okay you've done enough I can't let you get in trouble and...thank you for helping me, that was really nice of you" she gave you warm smile which made you smile too.

The guy ignored everything and made Amber face him "Qinn did this right" He said serious and you could see him getting angrier and angrier.

Because of Ambers silence, he knew that he was right.He faced the girl that you just beat up 2 minutes ago."I don't get it! Why the fuck would you date someone like her!? why are you both so close all the time?!" this Quinn asked loudly.

"because she's my sister you-!" He stopped himself from cursing at her and her face froze.According to the faces and reaction of half of the school that was watching the scene, it was a new info for them and they didn't except this.

"Jake-"Amber wanted to get his attention but he walked closer to Quinn.He seemed like he wanted to punch her but you grab his arm making him stop.It wasn't his intention, he just wanted to warn her but still you stopped him "It's ok I already put her in her place-"

He faced you when you started talking but Quinn cut you off. "and why the fuck would you, who tf are you to be touching me like that you ugly ass slut!"  She yelled having a tantrum.

Everyone gasped and your eyes widen „ex fucking cuse me?!-„ You once again were cut off by another female voice.

„Evelyn Esper!"

You turned around slowly just to see the principal standing there furiously.You sighed loudly and she started talking.

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