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It's been a few weeks since the scene in the cafeteria happened and you haven't talked to Jake nor to Kyle.You noticed that Kyle was a little off lately, he came late to class, he slept every time he had the opportunity to and he acted like you didn't exist.You didn't mind it and it was good for you actually but his friends still shipped you both, sometimes silently and sometimes with actions like making you both sit next to each other, giving you flowers and saying that it's from him and other stuff like that.Of course you didn't believe them and ignored them.Kyle also stopped staring or harassing you, he totally ignored you.Good.
You also heard a rumor that he might have a girlfriend but you didn't know.

Meanwhile you became good friends with the girls, they had the same sense of humor and you got along with every single one of them.You knew who had wich role and how close each of them are, Nabi seems to be the the quiet one that dosen't care and just watches instead of including herself but when she's happy or in a good mood, she's the funniest person alive.Jennifer aka Jennie is the strange one but she's still cute and funny with her strangeness.Amber is the soft beauty with the good heart and Tiffany is very honest and confident, when her boyfriend broke up with her she laughed at his face and made fun of him and left him confused saying that it's his loss.You loved her attitude and she offered you her help on how you get more confident then you already are.

Amber is the one that you're closest to, since you helped her and everything, you guys have been inseparable and met up with each other often, sometimes with the girls but also alone, the other girls knew that you guys hang out alone and they didn't mind at all.In fact they were happy that You were included and that you and Amber were so close.

Now it's lunch time and you guys were in the cafeteria; "No my brain is braining, why don't you go wash your dirty mind off, everyone is annoyed by it you know" She provoked which made Tiffany and Amber make a dramatic 'ohh' sound as if Nabi cursed at her.Nabi and Jennifer got into a little argument and like you got to know, they always be roasting each other for fun or just for entertainment and Amber, Tiffany and You be the ones that making every harmless thing dramatic.

"Well at least I'm not the one with the creepy, handsome, Korean brother who things that his sister isn't capable of taking care of herself, just because half of the school is crushing on you!" Jennie defended herself, Tiffany and Amber gasped and you giggled silently. "That was more like a compliment than a roast..." You whispered to Amber and Tiffany who immediately agreed with you.

"At least my brother IS handsome, and at least I have people who are crushing over me!" Nabi also defended herself which made Tiffany gasp even more dramatically and Amber make the 'ohh' again.

"She did not..." You commented while your jaw dropped."I never said he was handsome, did I?" Jennie turned to us for agreement.We all nod our heads as a yes and she sighed.

"Well that dosen't mean I like him, I'm still mad at him for calling me strange!" She whined dramatically at the harmless word. "Girl! You ARE strange!" Tiffany made it clear and Jennie just whined.

"Well I don't care, I won't change for that dude, I'd be happy dying alone!" She leaned back on the table laying there and making a dramatic pose.The people that sat there while eating flinched and sighed as if they're used to it, they walked away with their food and left Jennie to fulfill her dramatic act.Tiffany wanted to grab her feeling embarrassed for her but then someone else interrupted her, it was a guy.He gestured us to shut up and watched Jennie embarrassing herself.It was Nabi's brother.

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