Chapter- 4 A Loli's Gift

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No PoV

gently Nabe carried Beatrice as Ainz searched for Nphirea in the underground part of the cemetery

he found him with a see-through dress with nothing underneath and his eyes were gone, something which can be healed easily along with a strange item on his head

Ainz- hmm, i can cure his blindness with Magic but it looks like his mind is being controlled and this is definitely the source, All Appraisal Magic Item!

the item on his head glowed green for a while as its information flooding the Skeleton's mind

Ainz- the Crown of Wisdom? and it's an item that Yggdrasil can't replicate, as much as I'd like to take him back to Nazarick, i cannot after all i took that Job to save him, oh well, crumble Greater Break Item

the crown on the boy's head turned to dust as it vanished making him fall down to the floor before Ainz wrapped a blanket around him and carried him outside to see the sun rising after the night's events

Ainz- Narberal, take Beatrice back to Nazarick, I'm sure her friend wants to see her, if she is awake, Giga-Noot please head back to Nazarick as well, Beatrice would want that as well

Giga-Noot- Noot, Noot...

nodding they both teleport away back to Nazarick with Giga-Noot returning back to his floor and Narberal going to Ainz's office before walking into the Forbidden Library and into Beatrice's room where Ninya was still asleep in Beatrice's bed, doing the same thing she with the Human she changed Beatrice's clothes to help her sleep better and to not dirty the bed before placing her next to Ninya under the warm bedsheets to see Beatrice cling on to Ninya

a gentle smile appeared on her face before gently kissing the 2 sleeping girls on their foreheads and leaving the room quietly

Beatrice PoV

warm, its warm and comfy, but what happened?

i remember beating up that murderer so much and having Giga-Noot beat up those dragons, but after doing the rotating musket barrage i passed out after using too much MP so why am i in a comfy and warm place? was i taken back to Nazarick? if so, where did they take Ninya?

slowly i open my eyes to see Ninya? she looks really peaceful like that but where are we?

carefully i sit up as to not wake her and looking around i was in my room at Nazarick?

Ninya- mmmh...

oh, is she waking up?

Beatrice- Ninya, are you ok?

Ninya- Beatrice? what, happened? where are we?

as she sat up i helped her and tightly held her hand giving her some comfort

Beatrice- we're in my room, not the one at E-Rantel

Ninya- we're at your home?

Beatrice- yeah, The Great Tomb of Nazarick, but i have a lot to explain

Ninya- we're in a tomb? aren't they abandoned?

shaking my head i explain what Nazarick was in great detail and her face was one of awe, it was cute and i liked it, but when i explained that there were basically no humans living here and she was the only one she was terrified especially after i said what races they were

Beatrice- however, they won't harm you as you are under my protection, and i have an offer, it will be beneficial for both of us

Ninya- offer? w-what is it?

oh, i can't believe I'm about to say this, but i love her and it will protect her from the others

Beatrice- i can turn you into a spirit like me and make you my apprentice, they won't hurt you for being human and they will treat you with respect, if you don't want to then i understand

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