Chapter 11 A Loli's Expedition Part 3 The Forest of Temptation

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Beatrice PoV

Day 4

were here the Second Layer, Forest of Temptation and its, unique to say the least, maybe out ODM Gear will get more use here? but the trees have lily pads one top of them? it's going to be hard to tell where we are but they can give us good cover from anything flying

but it's strange, back up it was more grasslands and such but it's like a jungle in here, this is weird but yet interesting

and i can see Aura writing a bunch of this stuff down, hmm what's this?

suddenly a large bird like creature flew past us with a hungry gaze, it was about to swoop in to attack so i shot Magic at it

Beatrice- Tier 3 Magic- Arrow of Light!

the arrow shot right through the birds head sending it crashing down into a tree, before we heard a cry, more birds were coming, there's a lot of them and we can't handle this many

Beatrice- run inside quick!

wasting no time, we all run into the Second Layer and under the trees losing the birds, but they were still above us and they could probably see us in the gaps between the lily pad trees making us all go slower to avoid being seen

reluctantly Aura stayed with us as i know she wants to study these birds but now isn't the time, we need to get to a safer spot

carefully we wandered around close to the crater edge to keep our bearings while heading lower, but we stopped a few times to avoid any birds Aura called Corpse Weepers as she heard them trying to imitate us, if anything this made us avoid them more leaving them with a Danger Rating of 3 Stars or Dangerous

but they still looked cool, and we had a chance to return to the one i killed earlier to get a better look at it up close, even if it was dangerous

notably there was a lot ofleaves pointing to the crater, if anything they could help us find our way tothe crater if we got a bit lost but there wasn't much use for them

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notably there was a lot ofleaves pointing to the crater, if anything they could help us find our way tothe crater if we got a bit lost but there wasn't much use for them

and by the end of the day, we reached 1415 Meters according to Aura's Depth Gauge, but we couldn't have a campfire as the Corpse Weepers would be right on us then, so it was a colder night than normal, but whatever it takes to survive i guess

Day 5

as we got up and carried on, like before it was a slow trip avoiding the Corpse Weepers and a bad one at that

we ran into 3 of them but we killed them before they could call for help, it was a close call, but we managed to handle it well

unfortunately, we didn't find many ruins, only a few of them and they didn't have much, just a little bit of valuable items, probably worth something outside of here

other than that, we made it down a fair bit, just to 1520 Meters, before nightfall but we had to all share a single tent, we lost the other one when we had to run away from a Corpse Weeper

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