Chapter 17- A Loli's Scheme

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Beatrice PoV

right now, everyone is gathered in the throne room with a few things going on, apparently since I've been gone there was a big operation to make Ainz's Adventurer alias more popular among the Humans, things went well with it and Demiurge was playing the role of Yaldabaoth.

though i have a feeling if Entoma had stayed behind then something bad might have happened to her, but I'm glad she was with me, but now there was a few rewards handed out to Sebas and Solution

Ainz- in other news, Beatrice my friend your Expedition was a success?

Beatrice-hmm? yes it was, me and my team did a survey on the majority of the area we explored, while it can prove useful as i said before, i will not allow us to use it for battle, sorry.

Ainz- a shame but understandable, also i heard you have a Pet?

Beatrice- oh, Princess Renner? yeah, she's my Pet and has planned on losing her Humanity in a plan of mine, manly for theatrics, oh and question, are we planning on taking over that kingdom?

Ainz- truthfully, we don't right now, but if that's all, i am issuing a rest period


so nothing's going on for a while other than usual business plus nobody is with me....

Ninya is with Aura, Shalltear and Albedo having some time off together doing who knows what

(finding out Albedo is a Virgin lol)

Entoma is with her siblings having a tea party sort of thing

oh Arche! she is free but she's reading in my Library while I'm in my room,

Beatrice- hey Arche, you doing anything? I'm bored.

Arche- uh, no nothing, though i received a letter through Magic, there's a lot of Adventures gathering for some big job, not sure what but i can't really go because of my new body...

Beatrice- true... hmm i may have an item, wait here

going into my Inventory i look for the right item, where is it, where is it, oh there it is!

bringing out the Necklace of Illusions i pass it over to her and make sure she puts it on, and the moment she puts it on her appearance changed back to her look from before we met Bondrewd

it's nice to see her as a normal human again though her fluffy form is amazing.

Beatrice- there, oh shouldn't we grab your siblings?

Arche- yeah, let's do that!

Beatrice- perfect where do i need to teleport?

Arche- can you do the Furt Family Estate?

Beatrice- no, nearest place?

Arche- Barauth Empire, south area, close to the town of Howard

Beatrice- got it, i can see it, on moment, Greater Teleportation

and with a second, we were at a random town, above it of course and how letting Arche lead us we fly to the Furt Estate where it looked luxurious but it's probably bad

slowly we fly down to the entrance where there were no guards at all.

Arche- it's gotten this bad? we have to hurry they might have sold my sisters!

nodding we rush in and towards her sisters room where they both were, thank god they were still inside

Arche- Urerika! Kuuderika! your still here! THANK GOD!

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