Chapter- 14 A Loli's Expedition Part 6 The Sea of Corpses

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Beatrice PoV

Oh, these clothes are much better for this place, I feel so much warmer, I'm sure everyone feels the same after changing clothes

Though where do we go from here? It all looks level, just a few slopes which don't go far plus there's loads of water, some look like they're in bowls similar to the ones in the 4th Layer but more frozen and they look like they would collapse at any moment

How difficult will this layer be? And how deep will it go?

Ninya- uh, everyone I can hear something, I'm not sure what it is

Aura- is it alive?

Ninya- no, it sounds like metal moving against metal

Beatrice- so gears in a machine. Where about is the sound coming from?

Arche- hey, I think I can see a light in the distance

Entoma- 2 places, a sound or a light where do we go?

Ninya- I think the sounds, their coming from the direction Arche was pointing

Beatrice- perhaps we may find something or someone? I saw we should go there

One by one we all agreed before we started to make our way across these ice bridges, surprisingly they were strong, even if they didn't look it though I couldn't help but feel nervous, if these bridges break then how will we cross the water, hell what's even inside the water?


It took a while, but we managed to cross a fair amount of the ice bridges before we got to more solid ground and the light Arche spoke about was getting brighter, plus there was the sounds of gears coming from that area just as Ninya said but I could barely hear them

Soon we made our way around a steep hill to see something I wasn't expecting

It was a circular platform with some kind of town built onto it while a bright light pillar was sent up holding something up while the whole thing was spinning at a slow yet constant pace

Either that thing just has power that didn't never ran out for people are living inside, but it seems like there's a weak on down near the water

Though there's something in the centre, it kinda looks like an orb below whatever is holding all of that water above it maybe it's a way deeper.


After getting closer we reached the building's edge which looks like docks and there was some stairs, perfect and there isn't many so it's safe, I think

Walking up we saw doorways passing by as the whole thing spun around but the platform was big enough to get all of us inside a single door but this place... it feels off I don't know why


Huh? Is someone there

*step, step*

Looking behind us I saw someone; they had a menacing walk, but they were a tall man who wore almost all black with a strange helmet with a single glowing purple line going down the centre and he had some kind of White Whistle in the shape of 2 hands holding each over

Unknown Man- welcome to Ido Front, my name is Bondrewd, and I congratulate you on making it down here without even being a delver

Beatrice- what are you doing here and what is a Delver?

Bondrewd- you don't know what a delver is. They live on the surface do they not? Or maybe you somehow missed them

Aura- nobody is here? That city on the surface was abandoned and nobody's been here for years, I think

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