Please read its important

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Okay, I'll start us off by saying this

Nazarick's Loli is coming to its End

I've been thinking about doing this for a while and as much as I hate to say it, this fic is ending soon, NOT YET!!!

It's going into its last arc soon and I'll give a good old teaser in the form of explaining what's happening


With the Comet Observatory being complete Beatrice's last project has started

Project Star Rail

This was a project planned back in the days of Yggdrasil when there was teasers for a multi world update using special vehicles to get to each world

Sadly this update never came but Beatrice had already designed her vehicle, the Star Rail but with this new world holding all sorts of opportunities she had decided to make it

And when it is done she will leave this world in search of adventure with her friends the Nazarick Yandere's


Just so you know this won't be the end of the Nazarick Loli series, no I plan to make spin offs! Each one following a good time line where each fic shows them having adventures in a new world

I hope you accept this choice but if not, I'm sorry

Also we have a bunch of chapters before this so I hope you enjoy them when they come out

And last but not least, thank you for reading my work it means a lot to me- Tari

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