Chapter 13- A Loli's Expedition Part 5 Goblets of Giants

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Beatrice PoV

we're finally here Layer 4, it looks beautiful i can't deny that though the pools of water look interesting but is that steam coming from them.

my Spyglass isn't showing much, and it keeps steaming up, its damn hot in here, just like a jungle, kinda like Aura and Mare's home floor but hotter, huh? there's a clearing down there and i feel like something in me wants to explore it maybe we can find something?

Beatrice- i have a suggestion, down there is a clearing i think, it might go somewhere, should we take a look

Arche- if we go, then can we go slow, i don't want to suffer from the curse again, Layer 3 was bad for me

Aura- well duh of course we will, my instincts are telling me we might be lucky if we head up there

Entoma- let's do it, maybe i can find some friends, this humidity is perfect for insects!

Arche- r-right

Ninya- i guess, we're all in agreement

Beatrice- we are i suppose

carefully we walk towards the opening, and it was a hidden path covered in many plants, if i didn't notice it we would probably have missed it but then again, a strange feeling did draw me towards it

and unlike the trip to it the path wasn't too long, and it didn't take long to climb up the shaft we found and as we reached the top i felt strange, it's been a while since i felt this, why is it happening now?

Aura- does anyone else feel like we're on the surface again?

Ninya- now that you mention it, yeah

Arche- it feels amazing, especially after all we've been through

Entoma- agreed, i like it, maybe we can rest here for a while?

Beatrice- maybe, but is it safe? we might come across a creature that attacks or something

Ninya- then we'll kill it, my Magic feels a lot stronger

Arche- yeah mine does to

huh? she's right, my Magic feels like it's back to its original strength, wait i can contact Ainz now!

wasting no time i pull out a Magic Mirror just to be safe and i send the call

it didn't take long for Ainz to answer and i never thought I'd want to see that skull again

Ainz- Beatrice! your alive! i- no we were all worried

Aura- Ainz-Sama it's good to see you!

Ninya- hello Ainz-Sama i hope your well

Entoma- Ainz! is my sisters there?

Beatrice- it's good to see you too my friend, how are things? and how is everyone?

Ainz- they are doing well, what about you, it's been over a week since you called why is that?

Beatrice- the Abyss weakens Magic, we found a spot where it doesnt but we're not sure if we can Teleport yet and honestly i don't want to find out, but we've reached the 4th Layer and are now, uh Aura how deep are we?

Aura- 7097 Meters deep!

Ainz- that far? is there an end?

Beatrice- not that we know of, but we plan to go to the 6th Layer if there is one before we head back, maybe after that we might come back and go even deeper if it's possible, but for now, we're planning on making this a hideout to rest, getting down here wasn't easy

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