Chapter- 16 A Loli's Pet

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Beatrice PoV

Ah, I'm home and I'm so happy I can sleep in a comfy bed, though I want Arche to be here, her soft fluff and my bed will mix so well together

Opening the door to my beloved Library I was quickly tackled by someone I missed a lot

CZ- your back, I missed you...

Beatrice- so did i CZ, so did I, oh I have a small gift for you but I don't have the bag with our things, sorry

CZ- no, hugs from you are perfect and you still owe me a night together

Beatrice- of course, tonight I have that meeting with the Human Princess but tomorrow night, I'm all yours

CZ- can I go with you? Please?

Ah, she's doing her puppy eyes, but do I bring her? Ahhhh I can't decide, uh why the hell not? Renner who claims she's my pet won't mind.

Beatrice- fine, you can join me at the little meeting just don't do anything bad ok?

The automaton only nodding as she buried her head in my neck though it didn't take long for Ninya and Entoma to walk in with all of our things while Bondrewd followed, right I forgot I needed to do something with him

Bondrewd- I must say this library is extraordinary, the amount of knowledge is outstanding, but there's time for that later, Miss Beatrice now that we're at the surface what would you like me to do as I have nowhere to currently go

Beatrice- well, I claimed the Abyss in the Library's name so, take whoever you may need to make the city on the surface liveable so we can research the Abyss easier

Bondrewd- perfect, I was going to ask about that but it seems I have no need, I shall gather people from this place and head off, though if I may, is there a map of the world so I can plan the route accordingly?

Beatrice- yeah, Ninya you have all of our things, could you get him a map? And Entoma, inform the forces of Nazarick about this assignment

Entoma- of course, follow me Bondrewd

As the White Whistle nodded Ninya passed over a map before taking the bag into my room, probably to sort out in my treasury later, I just need to give her access, though what time is it?

CZ- when do we go to the meeting?

Beatrice- uh, I just need to ask, could you bring me a Magic Mirror? I need to ask the Princess, and CZ here

Quickly I kiss her on her lips before she ran off with a bright red face, ah she's cute though these clothes aren't that cute, their dirty though and I need to change plus I stink pretty bad, we'll no showers while exploring does do that, welp time for a bath then!


Ah that was nice, nothing beats a bath after such hard work, though if only there was more than just me and Ninya though I still have to call Renner, meh I'll do it in my towel, needs to be done and I can't be bother changing yet.

Beatrice- is the mirror ready?

CZ- yes but do you have to do it while wearing just a towel? A human like her doesn't deserve to see your bare body.

Beatrice- she's going to be my pet, well that's what she wants so soon her humanity will probably be gone

Ninya- will she be like me? Half and half?

Beatrice- perhaps, I'm not sure yet but I'm starting the call now

Sending the signal through the Mirror it didn't take long for her to answer and it looked like she was in the middle of changing clothes, well it is getting late so it makes sense

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