Chapter 6 A Loli's chaotic sleepover

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Warning this chapter will get strange, and there is a transformation scene so if you're not into that then be warned, plus there's hentai in this one ill mark it out for ya!

Beatrice PoV

after finishing the book i hear a timer go off with my voice telling us?

looking up my voice was coming from Mare's watch, the hell did he get that from? i want one but we should head to the throne room before we're late

Beatrice- oh its time? well then, anyone who wants to stay is allowed and if you want to see Shalltear's revival then come with me

it didn't take long to see that everyone stayed in their seats, even the twins didn't move, well i didn't expect that but they love the bean bags

standing up i teleport to the throne room where there was mountains of gold covering the room

Beatrice- well when do you start?

Ainz- oh in a moment, why are you in pyjamas and where are the twins?

Beatrice- busy and i couldn't be bothered to change

Ainz- right, now then let's begin

floating near Ainz he began the process and all the gold quickly melted away into a molten sea of gold before slowly forming a body in the bottom while all the gold compressed and slowly gained more colour

watching closely a face formed and i saw the gold fade away as Shalltear came from it, as the gold was gone, she was left on the floor asleep with nothing on, so wasting no time i summon a blanket to cover her with, slowly her eyes opened while she had a confused face while our eyes met

Shalltear- Lady, Beatrice? what happened? where, am, i?

Beatrice- Nazarick, your safe now and just rest, we had to revive you

Ainz- Shalltear, do you remember what happened?

ok this isn't the time to question her Ainz but i shouldn't say anything, i can get her out of this easily as even with the changes Ainz has had he still is that nervous guy who doesnt want to be seen as a pervert

Beatrice- Ainz my friend, i think this isn't the time to question Shalltear, she has just been revived and is literally in only a blanket, do it tomorrow after she has had some rest and new clothes

Ainz- o-oh, yes that is a good idea, i trust you can take care of her

gently i help Shalltear up while making sure the blanket doesnt fall off before i teleport us back to my room where i lend her some pyjamas which i did need to gift her

though it didn't take long for her to change but she really did it in a way that made me see so much of her, and she has a nice butt, i can't deny that but enough of that, we have a sleepover to join again!

opening the door i see everyone laughing at something so walking over i see Ninya in the middle of them and she was laughing the most

Aura- h-how could he be that stupid!?

Ninya- Hehe, i don't know! but it was hilarious!

ok their telling stories and it must have been funny for everyone including CZ to laugh


as the hours went by nobody knew what time it was but they didn't care, they were having fun telling stories, doing dumb things or jut random fun stuff in general like how Entoma scared the life out of Ninya by using bugs to fly around the room or when CZ was doing dumb things with her blank stare that i found cute, and don't forget the drinks Shalltear brought here from her room

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