[F] Sk8er Boi - Beomkai (1/2)

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Literally wasn't in my plans to update this book but oscar7s  gave me the idea and i couldn't not write it asap. So ty for the idea, I love u endlessly. ♡

Not proofread also idk what is this, haven't written properly for so long


Choi Beomgyu and Kai Kamal Huening were the complete opposites of each other. Huening Kai was an always bubbly teenager who loved wearing colourful clothes and accessories,skating was a big passion of his, while Beomgyu was your typical grumpy emo boy who always wore black,was an asshole to everyone and was basically a reckless teen when it came to school. But let's be honest, Huening Kai always thought he's cute..

"Hey! Hello! HYUKA!!!!" Huening Kai gets back from his daydreaming as he feels a tap on his shoulder, Kai turns his head and was met with his classmate, Yeonjun who was also his best friend in the whole universe.

"Finally, can you give me a pen? Mine got broken." The boy whispers, Kai gladly gives him a pen and starts to pay attention to Mr.Kim's biology class which was his last for today (thank God)

"Alight class, this is all for today. Don't forget to hand in your assignments on Monday, and-------"

Before Mr.Kim could even finish,the class was basically empty as everyone left in a hurry when the bell rang,happy to be out of school.

"Ning! Do you want to play basketball with us later?" Asked Yeonjun while swinging an arm around his best friend.

"Yeah,and after that we could go have some ice cream" Adds Soobin, Yeonjun's younger brother. Huening Shakes his head no,clearly looking to the direction where a certain boy with blonde highlights (a/n:we want that Beomgyu back.) was talking with his friends.

"Sorry,can't today. Dad is here to pick me up soon and after that I'm gonna go skateboarding. How about tomorrow?" He asks with a smile and the Choi brothers agree,then everyone went home.
"Mom,dad! I'm going to skate,be back until 9!" Huening Kai yells from the front door and hops on his colourful skateboard, riding his way to the skate park. Kai liked to go to the skate park at this time since it's always kind of empty,sometimes it had a few people, but very rarely. But Kai is indeed very surprised when he sees a familiar figure in all black sitting on the cement, smoking a cigarette. Without thinking, he approaches Beomgyu.

"Hyung? What are you doing here?"

"Who the fuck....o-oh,it's you" When he realises it's Kai his voice softens and Huening has to giggle at that. What a cutie.

"What are you doing here?" He repeats, sitting next to his hyung. The said boy sighs as he starts to fidget with his fingers, the younger notices and immediately suspects that something is wrong.

"I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want----

"I want to." Honestly,Kai is very surprised....he has never seen Beomgyu taking this kindly to anyone. Like ever. So he did kind of feel special,not to mention that his heart was beating rapidly,this boy was surely doing something to his heart.

"Basically...um..I've never told this to anyone, but..I'm gay. I-i told my parents and now they basically hate me. I'm kicked out of the house." Beomgyu admits, trying to smile trough the obvious pain. In the meantime Kai was shook. The Choi Beomgyu???? Gay???? Holy moly,he finally felt like he he had a chance. But his main priority was to comfort the boy who was now on the verge of tears.

"Oh my god,I'm so sorry hyung. That's terrible,your parents are not good." Kai shakes his head "Do you have anywhere to go?"

"Not really,all of my family is in Daegu. And i don't want to be a burden for them...So,no. I don't have. I'm gonna----

"Do you want to live with me..?"


"I mean if you want to. My parents are okay with it,you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the floor. I-if you want to. Not forcing you." Kai scratched the back of his head and Beomgyu visibly blushed at the offer but nodded. I mean,it was Kai Kamal Huening offering his home, i  school all the boys and girls were drooling over Kai. Including Beomgyu,but shhhhh. You didn't hear it from me.

"I want to. Thank you, Kai." He smiles widely and the said boy almost passes away at the sight.

"You know....You're not what i thought you'd be." Beomgyu has to laugh at this.

"Yes I know, everyone expected me to be a heartless bitch outside school but I'm actually not it's just that people there are loud,and annoying as fuck. Except you..." he mumbled the last part,but Kai heard it very clear.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He smiles widely and gets up. "Do you want to try it?" Kai pointed at the skateboard and beomgyu's eyes widened as he never tried to ride a skateboard.

"I-i've never rode a skateboard before, what if I fall????" He exclaims,blushing even more when Kai grabs his hand to pull him up.

Omg so soft.

"Here,stand on it and I'll gently push you." Kai giggled while helping his hyung get on the board. Poor boy was visibly shaking and sweating. When he was standing he made sure to grip Kai's shoulders as tightly as possible since he surely did not want to fall. Kai giggled once again,a little shaky cause their faces were just centimetres apart. Trying to push away the temptation to kiss the older be slowly starts pushing Beomgyu whose reaction was priceless.

"Ah! Oh my god,I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna faaaaaaallll!!!" He laughed loudly, suddenly losing control and causing them to fall on the hard cement with the loudest 'THURD!' sound.

"Ow fuck." Kai puts a hand on the back of his head,he was pretty sure that it was bleeding..."hyung,are you okay?"

Beomgyu laughs.

"O-oh my lord, this was the funniest,yet scariest experience of my life. I'm okay, just banged my head." The two got up and decided that it was time to go home.

As expected, Kai's parents were nothing but kind with Beomgyu and of course let him stay. The two teens agreed that Beomgyu will use Kai's bed,and Kai will use a small mattress that they had,the family had multiple guest rooms since you could say that they were pretty wealthy, but Beomgyu wanted to stay close to Huening Kai.

"K-kai? Can you come up here for a minute?" Beomgyu anxiously whispered. Very confused, but Kai got on the bed nonetheless.

"Yes,hyung? Can't sleep?" He asks,trying not to stutter cause he was feeling....hot. Hot and needy. He hated how his body got aroused to quickly,they were doing nothing for God's sake and his member was already painfully throbbing. He's back into reality once he feels Beomgyu grabbing his face, kissing him with passion and love.....

To be continued, folks

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