[F] Cuddles - Soogyu

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Sorry if this is bad and short,I just needed to do something to keep my mind off of things. Anyways this ship is so dear to me 🥺 i love it sm.
BUT,my next OS is gonna be Taegyu,do you want smut or fluff? LMK BESTIES !


"Sooobbiinnn, where are youu?" The sweet voice of Beomgyu echoes through the walls of their dorm as he was desperately looking for his boyfriend, he had just woken up and the bunny looking boy was nowhere next to him...he waddles to the kitchen to see Yeonjun sitting on the counter with Kai between his legs, making out furiously..
"Gross!!! Do you know where Binnie is?" He asked, scaring the two lovebirds.

"N-no,he was already gone when we woke up" The older stutters, embarrassed. Beomgyu pouts cutely, wondering where his precious boyfriend went,he was clingy today and he wanted was cuddles & kisses. Suddenly Taehyun comes out of the bathroom and Beomgyu instantly hops over to his best friend

"Morninggggg, do you know where Soobin---

"He's out to buy some groceries. He said he'll be back soon! Also good morning Beomie~" The boy smiles sweetly, ruffling Beomgyu's hair. Right on que,the front door opens and Soobin enters with a shit ton of groceries.

"BINNIE!" The excited cutie bear runs to his boyfriend and hugs him tightly,making him almost fall. Soobin smiles widely, dropping down the bags to hug his precious baby back. He loved when the younger would get clingy like this,it was the most adorable thing ever.

"Aww looks like someone missed me" Soobin giggles while going to the kitchen with a Beomgyu basically stuck to his side like glue. "..were you two making out on our counter again..?" He squints, looking at the oldest and youngest eho were trying to act like they weren't sucking each other's faces 1 minute ago.

"Oh! Would you look at the time,we need to gooooo" Hueningkai giggles while dragging his Yeonjun with him to their room to probably...do god knows what. Soobin shakes his head while putting away the groceries quickly as his boyfriend was getting impatient

"Hurrrryyyyyyyy~!", He whines puffing up his cheeks in an adorable way,but lets out a squeak as he was picked up in bridal style,being carried to his bedroom and gently thrown on the bed. Soobin lays on his back and Beomgyu instantly cuddling onto him,laying his head on Soobin's chest and wrapping his arm around his boyfriend cutely clinging to him like a koala.

"You're so cute!" Soobin cooes and cups Beomgyu's face with one hand,kissing every inch of that handsome face of his while the younger giggled furiously as the little kisses were slightly ticklish. Today was the boys' day off so they could lay in bed and do this all day. These days they have been so freaking busy, Beomgyu was very needy and very much wanted to be showered in kisses and affection all day.

"Shh! You know what? I think it would be a great idea if we stayed in bed and cuddled aaaaalllllllllll day!" The younger suggests with a smile and proceeds to peck his boyfriend's lips which made the said boy smile widely,showing his adorable dimples.

"You know what? I think that's an excellent idea!" With a quick motion he traps Beomgyu in a tight hug and covers them with a blanket while softly caressing Beomgyu's hair and humming a melody. Eventually the two lovebirds fell asleep while cuddling each other...hours later being woken up by the others taking pictures of them cuddling...


Sorry this came out bad :/
I still think it's somewhat cute,I guess,idk.

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