[F] - Flower Crowns (Tyunning)

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Uh,if I'm completely being honest I have no idea what is this, i wrote it back in the dream chapter:eternity era and never uploaded it for some reason...?
Idk when will i upload anything new,I've never been this lazy and unmotivated before--- I'm such a terrible writer 💀
Anywho,enjoy this....whatever this is. Sorry for any mistakes


"Daddy, here's anotha' one!" Hueningkai skipped hapilly over his caregiver who was sitting on a bench in the park, making flower crowns.

"Thank you honey." Taehyun smiled and took the flowers from the younger's hand.

"Daddy need mowe? Or awe we done?" The little asked, titling his head to the side.

"Only a few more."

"Okiiiiii~" Taehyun watched as the younger ran towards the soft grass where the beautiful flowers were, giggling to himself softly. He was just so precious, he was wearing a pastel pink oversized hoodie (which belonged to Taehyun), black shorts paired with white vans. In Taehyun's eyes, he looked like the most beautiful boy ever.

"Da-ddy! Me g-got an o-ouchie!" Hueningkai cried out and ran to
Taehyun while tears were falling down his cheeks, a big purplish black bruise on his left knee.

"What happened babyboy?" Taehyun guestioned, his expression worried along with his voice.

"I... Was running a-an' tripped ower a wock!" He whimpered and sat on Taehyun's lap. "H-huwts..." he sniffled.

"Shh, it's okay baby. It's just a little ouchie, it will go away veeery fast!" The older kissed Hueningkai's cheek before gasping softly. "Look, there's an ice cream stool. Do you want some, kitten?" Instantly, Hueningkai's face lit up as he started bouncing, excited.

"Okay, you stay here, I'll get you your ice cream."

"Otay dada!"

"Good boy." With that, he left Kai alone, the smaller boy giggled and wiggled his feet. Suddenly, a boy with yellow hair sat down next to him.

"Hey there~ You seem cute." He gives a cocky grin, Hueningkai smiles awkwardly and looks down to his lap, too shy to respond to the handsome boy next to him.

"T-tank' chu..."

"Wait, are you a little?" The yellow haired boy asked while smiling sweetly, Hueningkai nodded.

"Yes! Chu a wittle too?"

"No, but my brother is. See? That's him over there." He pointed to a blonde boy who was sitting on a swing in the small playground.


"I'm Choi Yeonjun by the way." He gave a heartwarming smile.

"I'm Kai"

"Kai, huh? That's cute. Just like you." Yeonjun giggled and ruffled Hueningkai's hair. "How old are you?"

"I'm 26, how about chu?"

"I'm 25, turning 26 this month. Hey, are you single? because I'd totally smash--

"No he's not, fuck off and give me five reasons why I shouldn't smash your face right now!" Taehyun suddenly appeared, giving Hueningkai his mint chocolate ice cream.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry! Are you his boyfriend?" Yeonjun asked, Taehyun just rolled his eyes at the smaller male.

"No. I'm his husband."

"oh,uh I understand..." Yeonjun got up from the bench, giving Hueningkai a last pat on the head and a piece of paper. "Call me sometime, maybe you and my brother can have a playdate. He loves meeting new friends." Yeonjun gave one last smile before walking away.

"Kai. I told you to not speak to strangers, didn't I?" Taehyun said with a warning tone, crossing his arms over his chest

"I'm sowwy daddy.. He seemed really nice n' all that.." Hueningkai whispered.

"Nice or not nice, you broke one of the rules, as a punishment no watching TV for 2 days."

"Okay" Hueningkai said, not wanting to argue with the older. For the next 10 minutes, the two boys were quiet, none of them saying a single word. Hueningkai was licking his ice cream while Taehyun was finishing the flower crown. Once he was done, he carefully put the crown on the younger's head.

"There. You're so pretty baby~" He cooed. "Daddy's not mad at you, okay? You just have to promise not to talk to strangers ever again. You understand?"

"Yes Daddy. Won't happen ever again! Pwomise." The little smiled widely, going in to give his husband a huge hug who smiled at the cuteness.

"Good boy. Now let's go home and cuddle for the rest of the day. How does that sound?"

"YES! LET'S GOOOOO~" Kai giggled while throwing his hands up in the air cutely,immediately running to the car with Taehyun following behind slowly. What a cutie,he thinks.


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