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Chapter 6
The Student Council President & School Nurse

❝So kawaii!!❞

HE COULDN'T BELIEVE himself! Ayato was right now walking side by side with his one and only true love. He couldn't even face his previous senpai let alone walk by her side. You were way different from Taeko. She was ignorant and oblivious to anything around her, but you're friendly and talk with everyone no matter how different or weird they were. You never judge anyone from their appearance or behavior and always approach them with a friendly smile. However, that was still a problem to Ayato.

Everyone will get attached to you if you continue with your actions. All of your sweetness and kindness should be all his.

Throughout your way, you were talking about how you enjoy your school days and making new friends while Ayato was daydreaming and fangirling about how happy he was that you're talking to him.

"...-Yato... Ayato!"

The black haired male snapped out of his thoughts to see that he was right by the lockers. He looked down to see you holding his hand while looking at him with concern which made his face to become like a tomato. "I have been calling you the whole time, but you weren't paying attention." You spoke up, tilting your head in confusion. He blinked a few times before shaking his head, "Wh-What were you s-saying?" He stuttered, his face becoming even redder if possible.

"I was telling you that you should change your shoes."


He didn't saying after that which made you glance up at him. You noticed that his face was pretty red, "Oh dear! Is he sick?! Is that why he wasn't paying attention?" You exclaimed in your head, subconsciously placing your hand on his forehead and getting closer to his face by standing on your tiptoes, "Are you sick, Ayato senpai?" You asked while the male yandere found himself mumbling incoherent words since he was taken off guard.

Eventually, Ayato has lost it and completely shut down because of the heat reaching his head.

"Oh no! Ayato senpai, are you alright?!"


You thankfully managed to drag Ayato to the nurse's office to check on him, you were pretty much worried about him. You placed him on the bed, "I hope I didn't break him." You thought, your eyes turning to lines in anime style.

"Oh my god! What happened to him?" You heard a voice say from behind you. You turned around and saw a pink haired male wearing the nurse uniform, you guessed he was the nurse.

"U-Um... He fainted when I was talking to him, I think he might be sick..." You said, still feeling sorry for the poor boy. The nurse walked toward him and checked Ayato's temperature with his hand, "Hmm, there's no fever. He might have fainted due to fatigue or not eating." He stated, slightly assuring you.

You let out a sigh of relief and placed your hand on yout chest, "Thank goodness, I was pretty much worried." You offered the older male a smile that it made him slightly blush.

It was the first time he sees someone so gentle, friendly, and cute. You looked very precious in his eyes, but he haven't seen you around school before. He should really introduce himself to you, "My name Mujo Kina, the nurse of this school. Can I get your name, dear?" He politely asked, giving you a shy smile. You giggled and nodded, "I'm Y/N Kanroji, I'm pleased to meet you Kina san." You introduced yourself.

After you made sure that Ayato would be fine with the nurse, you excused yourself to go to class and probably meet up with Osano and Raibaru. You didn't notice that Mujo was slightly sad that you have to leave sooner, but he hoped you would drop by sometimes.


It was cleaning time and you have just dropped the last garbage bag in the incinerator area.

You sigh and clapped your hands together to clean any dust or dirt in your hands. You made your way back to school building to pack your stuff since you have nothing to do after cleaning time because you didn't apply to any club yet.

As you walked, you bumped into someone. Gosh, this is the second time you bump into someone, this is embarrassing! You looked up and saw a tall guy with silver blue hair and matching eyes, his appearance was very intimidating and serious. 

You quickly composed yourself and bowed respectfully, "I apologize, I wasn't paying attention!" You declared, hoping that he wasn't made at you.

"It's quite alright, no need to apologize."

You raised your head after hearing what he said, you were glad he wasn't mad. You heard him hum in thought, "You're the new student, Y/N Kanroji, right?" He asked, looking at you with sharp silver eyes. You nodded and smiled, "Yes, I'm." You tried to be calm and collected when replying to him so he won't get the wrong idea about you.

"I'm honored to meet a competitor of the national sword competition and have you in our humble school. I'm Megamo Saikou, the student council president."

He introduced himself to you while closing his eyes in an arrogant attitude, you doubted that he was even honored. You shrugged and just acted friendly toward him, "I'm happy to meet you, Saikou senpai." He just nodded before his expression suddenly turned dark.

" Though I would like to give you a bit of a warning..."


"The student council members noticed that you're hanging around the student named Ayato Aishi, I wouldn't befriend him if I was you."

You were so confused, why is he telling you not to be friends with Ayato? He haven't done anything wrong or inappropriate to you, he was actually... okay with you. You tilted your head in confusion, "Why? Ayato senpai is my friend." You asked with puzzlement. Megamo sighed and shook his head, "All you need to know is that he is a very dangerous person to be around, so just be careful. Anyway, I have to go. I hope to meet you another time." Was his reply to you before he left you there dumbfounded.

You still didn't understand what he meant, but decided to ignore him. Ayato is your friend and you haven't seen him do anything strange.

Shrugging your shoulders, you continued your way back to your class.

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