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Author Note:-
Hello dearies!!
So, this chapter will be the last before the endings. This story as promised will have multiple endings for each and every character included in this book.

I hope you enjoy!


Chapter Twenty
The Deadline

❝I love this!❞

YOU WERE PRETTY MUCH happy to see your old friends again after all those years. You all were talking about what you all went through during this time apart.

Kyojuro was now telling you about his college life and how much he likes his major, "... And this is going to be the last year in college before I graduate to be a history teacher!" He exclaimed loudly like usual. You looked at him with admiration, "Whoa! Big brother is going to be a teacher, that's cool!" You stated while clasping your hands in front of your chest. Your green eyes then turned Obanai who was quiet most of the time, "What about you, Obanai san?" You asked him, a blush creeping up your cheeks.

He let out a hum as he averted his gaze from you, "I still have one semester left before graduation, I will be a chemistry teacher." He replied with his very well known emotionless voice. You couldn't help but admire how handsome he was, "Oh dear me, he is still as mysterious as ever. That's what I love about him!" You thought, imaginary hearts floating around you.

"What about you, Y/N? What college are you planning to apply to?"

You snapped back to reality when you heard Shinobu ask, "O-Oh... I'm thinking of attending an art university after high school because arts make people happy." You answered with a very proud smile. Shinobu giggled at your silly way of talking, "That's a good choice, I might attend pharmacy college after I graduate." She said with her friendly and soft smile.

You three continued to talk about random stuff and your future plans. However, you couldn't help but remember how you used to like Obanai in the past and probably still. The problem was your new crush at school.


Eventually, both Iguro and and Kyojuro had to return home, leaving you and Shinobu to chat until her sister comes and pick her. You both decided to go to your room to talk more privately.

"Oh my god! I never thought Sanemi and Kanae are dating now!"

"It has been a month only since they start dating."

Shinobu told you about what happened during your absence. However, She decided to ask a specific question, "So Y/N, do you still like Obanai san like before?" She asked out of blue, taking you off guard. You freaked out for a moment, "I-I don't know actually..." You replied back, looking down at your hands. Shinobu raised an eyebrow in puzzlement, "What do you mean?"

"I still like him, but also there's someone at school that I like too."

You covered your face out of embarrassment to hide the blush. The purple eyed girl placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "Now now, everything is going to be alright. You're just confused and lost." She said with a soft voice. You looked up at her, "What should I do, Shinobu?" You asked in hopes she would help you in anyway.

"Well, in this case, you should follow your heart. You have to choose whomever you find your happiness with."

You went quiet after she said thinking, thinking of what she was telling you. You were scared to confront your crush and Obanai with your feelings, let alone choose between your old and new crush.

You couldn't figure out how to solve this.


It was Friday morning and you were making your way to school with Ayato by your side. You were deep in thought after what Shinobu told you, "I don't know what to do." You thought, tighten your grip on your bag.

Just then, a tap cut your train of thoughts, making you look at the male beside you, "Are you okay, Y/N? You seem to be deep in thoughts." He monotonously asked, his eyebrows frowning slightly. You smiled gently at him and shook your head, "Oh, it's really nothing important. Just didn't get enough sleep." You lied, trying to cover the actual reason.

He blinked a few times before shrugging his shoulders, but deep down he didn't believe what you said. Once you reached the school, you immediately went to your class after changing your shoes. Throughout the whole day, you were zoning out most of the time that even your friends noticed your strange behavior. The rivals noticed this as well and thought of confronting you, but they decided against it.

After what felt like forever, the school day had finally ended. You made your way to your locker to change your shoes, but to your surprise, you found a letter addressed to you specifically.

Another love letter from a mysterious person.

You opened the envelope and pulled out a pink note from inside, reading was was written to you.

Dear Y/N Kanroji.

I have always wanted to approach you and confess my everlasting feelings to you. However, I feared you might not share my feelings. Yet I gathered my courage and decided to confront you today. Please meet me under the cherry blossom tree at the back of the school, I will be waiting for you.

Your secret admirer.

After you read the small note, your heart skipped a beat while your face blushed. You were still unsure if you should go or not regarding the last time you received a love letter from a secret admirer. However and deep down, you felt that this time it's actually going to be true.

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