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Chapter 11
The Love Letter

❝So kawaii!!❞

IT WAS A BRIGHT NEW DAY in Akademi High. You made your way to your locker with Ayato trailing behind you like a lost puppy. Once you arrived there, you opened your locker. However, you were surprised to see a letter with small pink heart on it in there.

You pulled it and inspected it to see if the sender's name was written, but you found none. Ayato behind you saw the letter and there was a dark shadow casted on his face, "Is... this a love letter?" He asked, his voice so ominous and had a dangerous tone in it. You blinked for a couple of minutes before the info sunk into your mind, "Love letter? I didn't really know it was." You declared with your face flushed red from embarrassment that you didn't know it was a love letter.

Ayato raised an eyebrow at you, "You don't know this is a love letter? Somebody has a crush on you." He told you, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "Oh dear me! It's the first time I receive a love letter!" You exclaimed, looking at the letter with sparkling eyes, "Who might my secret admirer be?" You dreamily added, placing a hand on your red cheek. Ayato gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, not saying anything in return. He must find this person and kill them instantly or they will take you away from him.

Eventually, you two made your way to your respective classes. Once you arrived to your class, you were met with Hanako who gave you a big smile, "Good morning, Y/N chan!" He exclaimed happily and hugged you tightly. You giggled and hugged back, "Good morning, Hanako kun!" You both pulled away and went to your seats to chat for a bit. Eventually class started and it was the same as everyday, boring. They still didn't get you a new teacher, so Mido was still your substitute teacher.

After the class ended, you started to pack your stuff while chatting with Hanako, "Oh, There's something interesting happened this day." You spoke up, earning Hanako's attention, "This morning, I found a love letter in my locker." You told him with a big smile on your face.

"A love letter?!... er, I mean, uh, wh-who sent it?" Hanako said in shock at first then collect himself before you think of something weird about him. "There's no name and I still didn't open it yet, but I will read it at home." You stated, you both walking out of the class.

However, you didn't know that your teacher had heard your conversation, "Hmm, love letter... I wonder who sent it." He mumbled under his breath, breaking the pencil in his hand.


You told Hanako that you were going to have lunch with the girls in the outside cafeteria, so he used this opportunity to text Osano and Raibaru and told them to meet up on the rooftop.

Once they all gathered there, they sat and started to eat their food in an awkward silence. Raibaru noticed how destressed Hanako looked, so he decided to ask him, "Hanako kun, what's wrong?" Osano seemed to be interesting in the conversation and joined, "Yeah. I mean, you're the one who asked to meet up here so what's the matter?" He pointed while Hanako let out a sigh.

"I don't know, but Y/N told me something that for some reason annoys me." Both Osano and Raibaru looked at each other then back to Hanako as a way to tell him to continue, "She has got a love letter from an anonymous and I don't know why I feel so bothered." He confessed, letting out yet another deep sigh.

"Wait! If he's bothered, doesn't that mean he has a crush on her too?" Osano thought while freaking out in the inside, but in the outside he frowned. "Well, isn't this just annoying. Now I have another rival beside Osano." Raibaru thought, keeping his friendly smile, but there was a small irk mark on his face. He then placed his hand on Hanako shoulder after composing himself, "It's going to be okay, Hanako kun. You shouldn't bother yourself like this, Y/N chan is going to be fine." Raibaru assured, giving tge black haired boy an eye-closed smile.

Osano tsk-ed and picked up a piece of his food with chopsticks, "Yeah, you mustn't worry about this. She is tough cookie." He said before stuffing his mouth with the food. Hanako forced a smile and looked down at his bento, "Yeah, maybe you're right." He agreed, continuing to eat his lunch.

However, the three of them were really upset and annoyed. Just who dared to put that letter in your locker?

With Ayato...

The boy made his way around the hallways, very pissed off about what happened this morning. He saw you with Saki and the other girls eating lunch together, so he decided to see if he can find any clues about who sent you the letter.

"I have to dispose of this person before they do anything. What if they wanted to confess to her this Friday? I can't lose her too!" Ayato thought, biting on his thumb out of nervousness and frustration. Suddenly, he heard someone talk around the corner.

"Seriously, great job dude! Putting that letter was the best option!"

"I don't know... What if she doesn't like me? She is a very popular girl after all."

"Nah, you're cool. You're the best one for her, trust me. You make a perfect match."

"I guess you're right."

Ayato couldn't help but to peek at the two students who were talking. It was two of the third year students and the one that was talking about you has a dark red hair and green eyes. Pulling out his phone, Ayato sneakily snapped a photo of him and sent it to Info Kun. After a few seconds, there was a ding sound from his phone...


Reputation: 80%.
Personality: Heroic.
Crush: Y/N Kanroji.
Club: No club.
Self-defense: Capable of self-defense.

Additional Information
He is one of the top students of the third year and is extremely shy despite his heroic personality and capability of helping others.

However, he has a very dark secret that can lead him to get expelled from school.

Once finished reading the information, Ayato had set his mind on how to deal with the guy and dispose of him without dirtying his hand with blood. He texted Info Kun again to see what he can do to get this dark secret revealed.

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