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Ending Eleven
Nemesis Kun

❝Can I be your future bride?❞

YOU PLACED THE LETTER in your bag and proceeded to walk to the cherry blossom tree behind the school after making your decision. You were slightly nervous that you were finally going to face your secret admirer the first time. You tried to keep the positive thoughts in your mind, that you will get a happy ending after this evening.

However, you didn't notice that someone was following you.

Just as you were about to turn around the corner, someone grabbed your wrist. You squealed as you felt yourself getting pulled back, "Eek! What-... Huh? Ray kun?" You questioned once you saw who pulled you back. The black haired teen looked at you with an emotionless gaze before dragging you to the other direction without saying a word. You panicked and strongly pulled your wrist out of his grasp, "What are you doing? There's someone waiting for me there!" You exclaimed with a small scoff. Nemesis turned to face you, "You shouldn't go there." Was all he said as he narrowed his red eyes.

You stood there with a dumbfounded look, "Eh? What are you saying?" You questioned, almost making Nemesis facepalm at your stupidity. He sighed a bit before averting his gaze away, "Your secret admirer is... a suspect. They're accused of a murder." Upon hearing what he said, you put your hand on your mouth out of shock. You couldn't believe that your secret admirer could be a murderer, but how did he knew such a thing? Nobody actually told you about any murders in the school grounds, what if it was just a rumor?

After you composed yourself, you decided to ask, "How did you know? I haven't heard anything about murderers in school." You questioned with a bit of worry. Nemesis sighed and pulled out his phone. He strolled for a couple of minutes before showing you the article, "See for yourself." You looked at the phone and saw multiple students from your school missing before you enrolled ti study here. You skimmed through the article and read that the perpetrator was highly suspected to be a student in the school. Which means that your secret admirer might actually be a killer. A look of disappointment appeared on your face, "Oh... I never really knew that such a thing happened..." You stated, lowering your head down.

Nemesis felt really bad for you and it was odd. He never felt sorry toward anyone before, but you were someone special... someone who always checked on him every now and then. Something deep down told him to at least comfort you in this situation. After all, he was the one who ruined your mood this evening. He let out a sigh and took a hold of your hand which surprised you, "Come along, let's go to a cafe or something." He stated and started to pull you with him.

Meanwhile, you followed after him, your cheeks getting a bit red, "...That's so adorable of him." You thought as a small smile made it's way on your lips.


Nemesis did actually take you to a cafe, a cute one actually. You two sat on a table near the window as you waited for your orders. You took this opportunity to study Nemesis' appearance.

He looked so mysterious with his hair covering one of his eyes and his different dark uniform. His crimson eyes had slight glimmer that hids his personality more. His voice was a bit deep yet had a gentle hint in it thay can actually comfort you. You actually adored this in him... he was quite opposite from you. You were the bright side and he was the mysterious side.

"What are you looking at?"

His voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You blushed in embarrassment after you realized that you had been staring at him for a long while. You lightly yelped and averted your gaze away from him, "O-Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare at you, it was rude of me." You apologized as you lowered your head down, hiding your embarrassment. Nemesis shook his head and leaned back, "I don't mind, I just thought I looked weird or something." He said with a monotonous voice. You looked up at him with a bit of surprise, "No no, you look fine. I was just deep in thought." You reasoned, trying your best to make him feel better.

Nemesis hummed in understanding, "What were you thinking?"

His question took you off guard, you can't just tell him that you were admiring him out loud like this. You thought of a good answer before speaking up, "Oh... um, I was just thinking about the murder in the school, that's all." You half lied. You were still think of the killer that was still free in your school, it frightened you knowing that one of your friends might be in danger or worse... they might be the killer! Nemesis remained quiet for a few seconds before replying, "Don't worry, the student council president is working hard to get them. He is very close to capturing them. Also, you're a bad liar." He stated while crossing his arms, his red eyes looking deeply into your green ones. You flinched when you heard the last sentence, "I-I'm sorry, Ray..." You trailed off, keeping your eyes dowm.

"It's Nemesis."


"My name is not Ray, it's Nemesis." He admitted to you, his eyes looking outside the window. You blinked a few times before you understood what he said, "Your name is Nemesis, but why are you hiding your real name?" You asked while tilting your head to the side in puzzlement. Nemesis kept a firm look before sighing, "I just don't like it." He stated and you just nodded in understanding. You grinned in delight, "I actually like your name, it sounds cool." You said, closing your eyes as you smiled. Nemesis was slightly taken by your statement, but it quickly sunk in his head.

His lips ever so slightly tugged up, forming a small smile. Maybe your warmth can melt the ice in his heart and make him feel whole again, who knows?


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