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Author Note:
Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a good day/night.
So I want to declare some, I completely forgot about Kizano for some reason! He was supposed to be in the top and the endings are going in order, but my stupid brain forgot about him and I skipped him. Thanks to one of the beautiful reader of this book that reminded me of him and now I'm writing his ending. Without any further delay, let's get into the ending!

I hope you enjoy!!


Ending Ten
Kizano Sunobu

❝Can I be your future bride?❞

YOUR HEART WAS BEATING fast in your chest as you walked toward the cherry blossom three behind the school. Surprisingly, you weren't that nervous of meeting your secret admirer. In fact, you were very confident that whomever was waiting for you would be someone you know or at least saw around the school.

The aroma of the cherry blossoms mixed with the roses lingered in air, making it a bit refreshing. A few petals of the sakura flowers floated past you, going with the gentle breeze. Once up on the small hill, you saw someone with a purple hair and wore a red cape, his back was facing you yet you knew who it was. You blinked a few times in shock, "Kizano san?" You called, making the said guy flinch ever so slightly. He quickly composed himself and cleared his throat. Eventually, he turned around to reveal a big bouquet of roses in his arms.

He smiled confidently with a little blush on his face, "Finally, the princess came to meet her awaiting prince. I'm so glad that you accepted my humble invitation, darling." You sweatdropped at his exaggerating choice of words. Before you could reply to him, he shoved the bouquet of red roses close to your face, blocking your view of him, "My beautiful maiden deserves the finest of roses gifted to her." He added which made you blush. You took the bouquet from him and held it close to you, "Thank you, Kizano san. I never expected you to be here, it never crossed my mind." The male chuckled with his eyes closed.

"Oh, I would never miss the chance of plucking the most beautiful flower in the garden, my dear."

"Oh please stop, you're embarrassing me!"

Your blush deepened as you lowered your head to hide it. However, Kizano's hand raised your head up so he can look at you, "Don't hide your pretty face away, I like it when you blush." When he said this, you didn't see that egotistical smile. It was soft and filled with love and care. This was the first time you see Kizano smile like this. You gulped a bit and nodded, "O-Okay..." You trailed off, seeing Kizano taking a hold of your free hand. You didn't utter a word and decided to listen to what he had to say.

"I know this will sound familiar as I said this in every play, but you must know that I'm genuine in every word I say." He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak again, "I have seen so many girls in my life, but someone like you was the most beautiful angel amongst them. You're beautiful, honest, kind, nice... everything a rare being have. The perfect real life princess any prince looks for and I would be so lucky to be this princess." He then kneeled down while still holding your hand.

"Would you do me the honor and be my treasured princess?"

Upon hearing his question, your eyes sparkled with a bit of tears. You smiled and nodded your head, "Yes, I would love too!" You exclaimed and jumped to hug him tightly, throwing the bouquet on the ground. Kizano chuckled and hugged back, feeling happy that he finally had found his missing princess.


You clapped your hands happily as the cast on the stage bowed. Kizano had invited you to see the last training for their upcoming play, let's just say it was pretty good.

Since the day Kizano confessed, you were to attend the play casting, giving your opinion about it. Also, everyone in school found you two quite opposite. You were humble and carefree while Kizano had an ego bigger than his head. However, they supported you nonetheless. You stood up and was about to excuse yourself since you know the students will need some rest after their hard work, but one of the club members is said that Kizano needs to see you backstage. You went there and found him giving more instructions to group. Once he saw you, he quickly excused himself and went to you.

"So, how's my princess today?" Kizano asked before taking your hand and planted a kiss on the back. You giggled with a small blush, "I'm doing great. Good job for the wonderful play by the way, your acting skills are awesome!" You exclaimed while clasping your hands together. Kizano chuckled, "Why of course it will be wonderful because of my great acting skills!" He confidently said while you tagged along and nodded your head in agreement. You gave a thumb up, "Yup, you're right." You added and that was enough to boost his ego more. Kizano then took your hand in his, "How about we go on a date tomorrow? It's weekend after all." He suggested and you nodded in excitement.

"I don't mind, I would love to go on a date." You said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Before Kizano could react, the bell rang, "It's class time, I will see you later! Bye Kizano, I love you!" You yelled as you ran out of the club to go to the class. Kizano stood there with a dumbfounded look, but he smiled softly.

"I love you too, princess."


𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀~𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉 ➣⎿Yᵃᶰᵈᵉʳᵉ Sᶤᵐᵘˡᵃᵗᵒʳ ˣ Kᶰʸ⏋Where stories live. Discover now