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Ending Thirteen
Budo Masuta

❝Can I be your future bride?❞

THE SUN WAS SLOWLY setting as the cherry blossom petals danced with the gentle breeze. You took in a deep breath and proceeded to walk toward the small hill where the cherry blossom tree was standing with all of its pink glory.

You were still wondering who might your secret admirer be, they could be anyone in the school that you totally didn't expect to have a crush on you. It never actually crossed your mind to begin with, well not that you were paying attention to how everyone was treating you. Anyway, you walked up the small hill while contemplating who was your this student that wanted to meet you here. Once you reached to the top, your green eyes widened in shock upon seeing the familiar male in front of you who was obviously nervous.

"Budo kun?"

"H-Hi Y/N..."

Budo waved his hand tensely, his face had a slight pink hue. You approached him and stood a few feet away from him, "B-Budo kun, are you..." You trailed off as your cheeks turned pink, averting your gaze away from him. Budo scratching the back of his head while chuckling nervously, "Y-Yeah... um..." He stopped, not knowing what to say next. A small smile tugged on your lips, "I never expected you to be here if I'm being honest with you." You spoke up, your voice barely above whisper. All Budo did was just chuckle before you two went quiet.

It was kinda awkward yet there was no tension between you and him. Oddly enough, you felt a bit relaxed in his presence. Suddenly, Budo perked up and pulled something out of his pocket, "Here. I got this for you. When I saw it in the shop, it immediately reminded me of you." He admitted while holding the object to you. You took it and saw that it was a pink and green heart shaped charm that you can hang to your phone. You put a hand on your cheek, feeling it redden more, "Aww, thank you, Budo kun! It's so cute!" You exclaimed as you held the charm close to your chest. Budo was happy that you liked his small gift, but he had something more important to tell you. It was finally time to confess his feelings to you.

He took in a deep breath before opening his mouth, "Y/N... I wanted to meet you here to tell you something important." Your heart skipped a beat when you heard how serious he was. You nodded as an indicator for him to continue, "Ever since I saw you, I knew you weren't like any of those girls. I have never seen a fragile yet strong girl like you, it makes you really unique and special. That's what attracted me to you, Y/N. You're just so perfect the way you are and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you so much, Y/N." He finally confessed, still looking confident yet his face was bashful.

You blinked a few times to process what he had just told you before a smile tugged on your lips, "I have always wanted to be accepted the I'm and never pretend to be someone else just to satisfy others. That's all I wanted, to love and be loved for who I really am. And you gave me just that, I love you too, Budo kun." You finished with small tears of happiness appearing in the corner of your eyes. Budo smiled and put his hands on your face, his thumbs wiping the tears away.

"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for accepting my feelings."

"I should be the one thanking you for accepting me."

You two laughed lightly before sharing a kiss under the cherry blossom tree to seal your neverending love for each other.


You happily skipped your way toward the Martial Arts Club where you will watch Budo do some training before classes start. You were very excited to see him train with the other members, "Eeee! I can't wait to see him train!" You exclaimed in your head with exclaimed as you neared the club.

Once you reached there, the club members happily welcomed you and made you set on a small bench. Budo approached you with a smile, "Hi Y/N, I'm glad you made it here. Are you ready to see my skills in training?" He stated with pride, his arms crossed over his chest. You nodded with anticipation, all worked up to watch him spar with the others. He chuckled and went to start the normal training program for the morning. You cheered for him enthusiastically as you observed the fight, "Whoa! Budo is really strong and skilled when he fights!" You complimented him in your head, blushing slightly.

After about thirty minutes, the training had ended and Budo didn't lose any spar. You approached him with a big smile on your face, "That was awesome! I never really thought that you would be this strong!" You exclaimed which made Budo laugh and scratch the back of his head, "Thanks, Y/N. This means so much to me." He uttered, lightly ruffling your pink hair which resulted in you giggling. You chatted with Budo for a few more minutes before it was time to go to class. You two agreed to meet in the backyard for lunch and also to plan your first date for this weekend.

You gave Budo a kiss on his cheek and went to your class. You were just glad that you finally had found someone who accepted you for who you truly are.


𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀~𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉 ➣⎿Yᵃᶰᵈᵉʳᵉ Sᶤᵐᵘˡᵃᵗᵒʳ ˣ Kᶰʸ⏋Where stories live. Discover now