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Chapter 10
Your Support

❝So kawaii!!❞

AFTER THE DINNER AND CLEANING, Ryoichi told Ayato to take you to his room to chat more privately. At first Ayato was against the idea of taking you there, but it was a good chance for him to know more about you. He couldn't just miss this opportunity to be with you without anyone to interrupt or annoy you both.

"Woah! Your room looks pretty!"

You exclaimed while placing your hands on your cheeks, your green eyes sparkling in admiration as you glanced around the tidy room. Ayato scratched the back of his head as a small blush made its way to his face, "Uh... It's nothing much." Was all he said and walked forward to sit in front of the TV in his room, "W-Would you like to play video games?" He asked you, holding his hand toward the playing console. You nodded and skipped to sit beside him.

"What would you like to play?" Ayato asked again, preparing the playset.

"What are your favorites?"

"Uh... Yanvania and Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki."

You hummed for a moment, trying to choose between the two games, "Let's play Magical Girl!" You spoke up to let Ayato know your choice. Ayato nodded and opened the game, thankfully it has a multiplayer mode so both of you can play together. At first, the game was bearable, but little by little it was getting difficult. It didn't take you long to lose, but Ayato was still going. You were left watching him and you were enjoying it, "Wow! You're so good in this game!" You exclaimed while clasping your hands together, eyes never leaving the screen, so you didn't see Ayato's red cheeks.

"Y-Yeah... Um, I play it a lot." He said, trying to sound emotionless so you won't freak out. He was pretty much happy that he was fangirling mentally at how you complimented him.

"Go Ayato senpai! Go!"

You cheered for him with excitement while the male yandere was trying his best to not to lose his composure. Soon enough, Ayato won the game and now both of you were chatting about random things. You told him how much you admire his manga collection and that you always wanted to get one too. Ayato suggested that he will help you pick your favorite category of manga and give recommendations for you to see.

However, Ayato really wanted to know more about you. He had to ask you if he wants to get more personal information about you, "S-So Y/N chan, how is your life outside the school?" He asked, mentally hoping that this question didn't weird you out. You let out a low 'oh' then started to hum in thoughts, "Well, nothing much. I mostly text my old friends or train, it's not so eventful." You told him with a shrug of your shoulders.

"Don't you have like family activities or something?"

"Oh, I used to go shopping or picnic with my parents and five siblings, but they're all away for either study or work." You answered, looking down in slight sadness [I don't know if Mitsuri's siblings were older or younger, but for the sake of the story they will be all older than her]. Ayato forced a fake smile on hid lips, trying to make it seem as real as he can, "Siblings... I wish I have siblings, it would be very fun to do things with them. I mostly spend my time with mom, helping her around I mean." He uttered, not really meaning what he said.

He didn't care if he was an only child or have siblings, all that matters to him was finding the one who completes him and makes him feel normal and loved. Siblings were the last of his concerns, but he had to match you to show that he cares about you in all ways possible.

A smile tugged on your lips, "Yeah, family and friends are really important to support you whenever you need them. They were the ones who made me love myself." You started which made Ayato look at you with confusion. He tilted his head to the side, "What do you mean?" He asked, for once getting a bit worried about you.

"Well, since you're my bestfriend, it doesn't harm to tell you a bit about me..." You trailed off, debating on what to tell him while Ayato frowned slightly when he heard the word bestfriend, "In the past, I used to date a guy and my life was going just perfectly. However, I'm not like any normal girl... My physical strength is way beyond normal and I eat a lot which caused my ex to insult me and tell me that I'm not normal. I dyed my hear black and started to eat less so everyone can think I'm just a fragile girl, but a family friend told me that I should never hate myself and to be who I really am. Since that day, I never cared about other's opinions as long as I love myself." You vented, letting out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, you felt two arms wrap around you. Looking up a bit, you saw that it was none other than Ayato hugging you. He, himself, was surprised by his actions and how he subconsciously moved on his own to comfort you, "Don't listen to anyone that tell you this, you're nice and pretty the way you're." He told you, still shocked that he was actually comforting and supporting you.

You on the other hand were mentally squealing, "Oh my oh my oh my!! He is very kind and caring!!! So cute!" You thought, imaginary hearts dancing around you. After you both pulled away, you continued to chat more. Ayato's mother brought you some snacks to munch on while talking.

Eventually, it was time to return home. You stood by the front door to bid your goodbye to the Aishi family, "Thank you for inviting me, I apologize if I bothered you somehow." You politely said, bowimg down in respect. The parents smiled at you while Ayato was quiet, "Oh please, it was nice having you here." Ryoichi spoke up, waving his hand dismissively.

"Please visit again, dear." Ayato's mother said with a sweet smile.

You nodded with a smile then left the house. The mother went to the kitchen to clean the snacks dishes while Ryoichi approached his son with a sly smile, "I hope you learned something about her." He spoke up with a hushed voice so his wife doesn't hear him.

"I sure did... Father."

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