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Chapter Fourteen
Two More Rivals

❝So kawaii!!❞

YOU WAITED FOR LONG MINUTES feeling bored of waiting for this secret admirer. You checked your phone to see it was 5:30 PM which is considered late for you. A huff left your lips as you crossed your arms and taped your foot impatiently.

"Is this a joke?" You thought while slowly getting frustrated. You normally don't get that mad easily, but when it comes to messing with you and playing with your emotions, you would snap eventually. Just then, you heard footsteps approaching you.

A boy with red hair, wearing red glasses and headphones around his neck walked toward you with his hands in his pockets. A sumg grin was evident on his lips, "I see he left you behind, huh?" He spoke up once he reached you on the top of the small hill. You blinked a few times and tilted your head, "Who are you? I haven't seen you around the school before." You asked with puzzlement written all over your face.

He chuckled and pulled one hand out of his pocket and placed it on his chest, "I'm known as Info Kun around the school, it's very nice to finally meet you Y/N Kanroji." He introduced himself to you.

You didn't question how he knows your name because you were sure he had heard from someone, "Nice to meet you too, Info Kun." You responded while trying to sound polite. For some reason, something odd was around him. You felt like he is a very dangerous person that you can't trust or even be near.

"Don't trust these love letters, they can be disappointing sometimes."

"How did you know about this?"

Info Kun let out a chuckle, "I have my ways, Bubblegum. It's my secret to keep and for you to find out." He ambiguously said, confusing you more. You shook your head slightly, "You're really strange. We haven't met before and yet you're talking to me as if you know me." You stated while trying not to sound offensive. However, the red haired male chuckled, "Why thank you for the compliment and trust me, you will see me more often." He declared, giving you a head pat before turning around to leave.

"You better go home, Bubblegum."

You blinked a few times before checking the time, it was 5:50 PM.

"Eek! I'm going to be late." With that, you jogged your way to the front gate of the school to return home.


The next day, you walked into the school, looking very tired. You remained awake studying for the exam and doing homework.

As you walked through the hallways, you could hear girls laughing. You took a peek and saw the bullies leaving while giggling, you could hear them talking...

"He's such a creep."

"Don't say that or he will let his demons on you! Ha ha!"

"I don't know why a freak like him still comes to school."

Each girl gave her opinion as they walked past you which gave you the opportunity to see who they were talking about. On the ground, you saw a student sitting there with a puddle of water underneath him. You gasped and ran to him, "Oh dear, are you okay? Let me help you." You asked while offering your hand to him.

He looked up at you before he took your hand to stand up. You saw that he has a long dark blue hair and silver eyes, he wore fingerless gloves with spider web patterns and had the armband which means he's a club leader.

"Th-Thank you."

"No problem, were they bullying you?"

He didn't say anything and just nodded his head, looking away from you. A frown appeared on your face, "This is wrong! You should inform the guidance counselor about this!" You exclaimed with anger. You really hated bullying, it's bad and hurt others' feelings. The boy shook his head, "I-It's okay, I'm u-used to th-this." He stuttered, blushing lightly at the care you showed him. This didn't ease your from at all, "Now this is worst! No one deserves to get bullied here!" You declared and let out a huff.

"Thank you f-for your c-care."

"No problem at all. What's your name by the way?"

You heard him mumbled under his breath, but you couldn't quite hear him. You assumed it was probably because he was shy to talk to you which you found adorable and cute.

"I couldn't get your name, can speak louder?"

"O-Oko Ruto is m-my name."

You smiled at him friendly, "It's very nice to meet you, Oko Senpai! I'm Y/N." You said, but then saw that his clothes were soaking wet, "Oh, you should go and change or you might get sick." You added with concern. He nodded without saying anything back to you, trying to hide his blushing face.

Suddenly, your phone ran and pulled it out to see it was Osano calling you. You completely forgot that you're going to meet him on the rooftop today, "Oh, I must really go. I hope to see you more around, Oko senpai!" You said before walking off, waving goodbye to him.

Oko stood there, being mesmerized by what just happened. You were like a beautiful angel came to save him from all of the evil around him, he didn't know why he was blushing so madly like this.

"What spell did she use on me?"

His thoughts were interrupted when he sneezed lightly, reminding him to go and change his uniform. He rushed to the boys' locker room before class started. Unbeknown to him that Ayato has observed everything and was literally fuming in anger.

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