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Ending Fourteen

❝Can I be your future bride?❞

YOU STARED DOWN AT THE paper in your hands, feeling hesitant whether to go or not. However, you remembered that time when you received the first love letter yet you didn't find that secret admirer of yours.

You sighed and teared the paper before throwing it in the nearby trashcan. You picked your bag and made your way out of school. You were really disappointed that someone attempted to prank you again, maybe it was the same student from before. You were so deep in thought that you didn't pay attention to anything around you.

"You took so long, Y/N."

You snapped out of your thoughts to see who was talking to you. To your surprise, you saw none other than Obanai standing there with his usual unreadable expression. You blinked a few times as you blushed lightly, "Iguro san! What are you doing here?" You asked, now standing in front of him. The guy shrugged his shoulders, "I was nearby and decided to check on you." He replied with a monotonous tone. You were confused yet thankful that he actually came to see you, it meant the world to you.

You smiled happily and nodded, "Thank you, Iguro san. You don't know how much I wanted company today." All you received from him was a nod before he gestured to you to walk with him. The walk was quiet, only the sounds of your footsteps could be heard. You didn't know why Iguro decided to visit you today, but you would be lying if you said that you weren't happy to see him. You had always liked Obanai even though he wasn't in the same year as you. He was a year older than you, but you would always meet up back when you were in middle school. However, you were afraid of approaching him to confess your feelings to him. Yes he was nice and gentle, but he could be really harsh. That was the reason you feared to confess to him.

"Don't think to much about it." Your train of thoughts was cut short upon hearing Obanai talk to you again. You kept your gaze down, feeling embarrassed, "I-I wasn't thinking of anything..." You trailed off, hoping that he would believe you. However, Obanai was always known to be sharp when it comes to figuring things out, so hiding it was pointless, "You're a bad lair, Y/N. What do you have in mind?" He questioned you bluntly, looking at you from the corner of his eyes. You panicked slightly before composing yourself, "Iguro san is always sharp." You thought while blushing a bit.

You sighed and gathered all of your courage to ask him a certain question, "Iguro san, wh-what do you think of me?" You asked with hesitation, not looking up at him. There was a moment of silence between you two, making you really nervous.

"... I think you're cute."

Your eyes widened upon hearing what he had just said. You looked up at him to see his face. His face had neutral look and his mouth was covered with the bandages, but you can see a faint blush. You blushed as well, turning to look away from him, "Really? Y-You really think so?" You heard a hum from him which confirmed his answer to you. Maybe you can tell him about your feelings...

With determination, you went ahead of Obanai and stood right in front of him which made him stop in place, "I-Iguro san, I have something to tell you!" You started, your form ever so slightly shaking. Iguro looked at you with blank look, but it was clear he was puzzled, "I'm listening." That was all he said before he crossed his arms. You went quiet since you didn't know what to tell him, now you started to regret speaking up. However, it wss too late to step back, so you just decided to bluntly say it.

"I like you, Iguro san!"

Obanai's eyes widened a little bit as you continued to talk, "I have always wanted to tell you how I felt, but I still feared that I won't be accepted because of my hair color and strength." You said, keeping your gaze down so he won't see the tears in your eyes. Obanai raised an eyebrow at you, "Why would you think that way?" He finally spoke up, giving you a questioning look. You sniffled and kept your head low, "I thought you would think like everyone, but you treated me differently and I could tell that you cared about me more than just a friend... just like how I care about you." You finally confessed, waiting for what Iguro had to say.

His hand was placed under your chin to lift you head up, he then wiped away your tears away, looking down at you gently, "Well, you're not wrong. I do have feelings toward you ever since middle school. You can tell that I also feared you may not accept me because of so many reasons you know about." He confessed, a light red hue evident on his cheek. You couldn't hold your tears anymore and started to cry, "Whoa! Thank you so much, Iguro san! I love you! So so much!" You cried and hugged him tightly, continuing to sob and cry loudly.

Iguro hugged you back, "I love you too, Y/N." A small smile appeared on his lips from behind his mask. You two stood there, enjoying each other's embrace. You were glad that you had finally found your true love, the one and only that you will love and cherish.



Author Note:
Hello everyone!
I would like to inform you all that this book is officially completed. I enjoyed writing it so much, I hope you enjoyed it with every chapter published. Let me know what ending did you like the most in this book.

Until we meet again in another book!

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