Chapter Fifty One: This Is Where It All Goes To Hell

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Chapter Fifty One: This Is Where It All Goes To Hell

Waking up with a start, it didn't take long for her to realize he was gone. For a moment, Alexandra lay in bed, alone with her thoughts. It took all her strength to get out of his bed and get ready for the day that awaited her.

Going to her own room, she picked out a simple grey dress, the colour of which reminded her of his eyes. Washing her face in her own bathroom, Alexandra willed her tears away, knowing that if even one would be near impossible to stop the rest that followed.

Steeling herself for the tasks the needed to be done, she realized just how much work lay ahead. She had to act as though nothing had changed, knowing that any change in her behavior would draw attention to their relationship and his departure. Crawley and Markov would probably see it as a sign of weakness. The castle had to run seamlessly, just as it had before. Alexandra would not disappoint Nicholas by pining after him, he would have felt guilty knowing she had neglected her duties while he was away. Just pretend as though he's gone to his district, that's all it is; she tried convincing herself.

Determined, she opened the door to her room only to walk into Mark.

"Alex? I was just coming to get you..." He said, giving her an odd look.

"Surprise!" She mustered up a smile. "Now you don't have to wait for me."

"Okay...well, get moving then. Maybe there'll be something good for breakfast." Mark took hold of her hand, leading her to the kitchen.

I doubt it, she thought, knowing the chef had long gone.

Entering the kitchen, they found Valek with Brian the sous chef.

"Morning, hope you don't mind but Nick left Brian in charge of the kitchen again." He said, looking a bit puzzled. She nodded, not really caring who was cooking.

Sitting down at the table, as Sophia walked in, Alexandra decided she had to get somethings out of the way.

"Valek...I need you to bring me the list of chefs we made last year. We're going to be hiring a temporary chef." She said, as all three of them gave her confused looks.

"What about Nick?" Sophia asked.

"Nick asked to go travel. He said he had some ideas for Rosslyn that he was hoping to research before implementing." She bluffed, not knowing how else to tell them.

"You all just came home, and he's left again? You let him leave?" Her best friend asked, in disbelief.

"It sounded like a good idea."

"How long is he gone?" Mark asked, a part of her knew he had caught her, but rather than admit it she tried to continue wanting to believe the lie.

"I'm not sure, he said he would tell me later." Inwardly, Alexandra winced at how weak an argument that sounded.

"You have no idea where he is, do you?" Mark said, looking her in the eye.

Trapped with no way out, Alexandra shook her head, biting her cheeks to keep her emotions from overwhelming her.

"He didn't tell you when he'd be back, did he?" Valek asked.

"No." She said, finally.

The two heads of her security heaved a sigh, and Alexandra felt as though she had let them down.

"Alright, other than a temporary chef, what else needs to be done?" The blonde haired guard asked.

"Just one more thing." Alexandra turned to Sophia. "I need you to oversee Canterbury & Rosslyn while Nicholas is away, since it's your family's district."

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