Chapter Forty Six: Shouting From The Rooftops

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Chapter Forty Six: Shouting From The Rooftops


Winded, Mark held his chest, as he took in their surroundings. They had landed in trees. Well, this is certainly different, he thought unamused. At times he felt the Oracle was enjoying dropping them into different locations a little bit too much.

Seeing Alexandra fall into the branches beside him, he carefully maneuvered himself towards her. Hearing a low whistle he turned, briefly, to see Nicholas give him the 'all okay' signal. The lord had landed in the tree next to them.

As he reached the Queen, the guard realized that not everything was okay. Rustling could be heard, the sound of it getting closer. Whistling back to Nicholas, he saw the Lord look over to him. Mark motioned for the younger man to stay put and not to make a sound. Moving quietly towards Alexandra, he saw them come.

A band of what looked liked thieves marched underneath the trees towards their destination.

Before Alexandra could gasp, Mark had covered her mouth. The slightest sound or movement would give away their location.

"There has to be someway to smuggle diamonds out of this wretched country." They heard one of the thieves say.

"Like the King and Queen of Cole would allow it. You know they have their best men working in the mines to keep anything from being taken." Said another.

"If we got them out, those men in Drachma would pay a fortune."

Soon enough the vagabonds had left. Mark could hear their footsteps getting further and further away.

"Are you okay?" He asked the young ruler, once he deemed it safe enough to speak.

"I'm fine. Nick?"

"All good."

Clambering down the tree with Alexandra on his back, he waited for Nicholas to join them.

"This has got to be the oddest place we've landed." Nicholas said, as they checked for all their belongings.

"What a nasty bunch of men." Alexandra mumbled, letting go of him. "Why would they want to steal from the rulers of Cole? The King is so kind."

"Probably the same reason there are a few people who want to steal from you." Mark said, handing Alexandra her duffel bag. "Greed."

Once they were all set, Mark took the necklace from Alexandra and turned in different directions. Almost at once, it darkened as he spun to where the thieves had gone.

"Looks like we're going this way." Mark told them, leading the way.

A part of him hoped they wouldn't have to stay here too long, he wasn't keen on meeting those men face to face. They had looked cunning and cruel.

Delving deeper and deeper into the woods, the guard was surprised at how well the diamond on the chain was responding. It would go either light or dark depending on the route they took, almost as though it were hoping to get them to the orb as fast as it could. Almost like it sensed the danger.

Exploring the woods, the came upon a cave.

"Odd..." Mark mumbled.

"What?" Alexandra asked from behind him.

Turning around, he held up the diamond. It had changed colour completely, becoming pitch black as he waved it towards the entrance of the cave.

"That was surprisingly fast." Nicholas noted, a hint of worry tinting his voice.

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