Chapter Twenty Three: A New Year Like No Other

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Chapter Twenty Three: A New Year Like No Other

As the new year approached, Alexandra felt more and more subdued. There was no Sophia to join her at this year's celebrations, and she was missing her best friend dearly.

"Well, your Majesty? Have you made a decision?"

The voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Lord Crawley was watching her, expectantly.

"About?" She asked, the hall of Lords murmured around her. I'm an idiot for having asked such a stupid question, she berated herself. They probably thought she was sleeping on the job now.

"We were discussing plans about you visiting the districts next year." The elderly lord informed her.

"Ah, yes. I think that will definitely need to be done, a proper tour of each district. I think sometime in the fall will be the best time." She said, not fully paying attention.

"Okay, then we will re-open this discussion at the end of summer, to set up the dates." Lord Crawley wrote down in his file. It was his duty to keep minutes of their meetings, and usually he was the one who presided over the others when she was away.

Looking up, Alexandra saw Nicholas watching her, a questioning look on his face. Turning to see her file, she knew she had no good reason to be acting strange.

With the meeting adjourned, Alexandra had Mark take her to her room. Having no meetings in the afternoon, she had decided that with her foul mood, she was more interested in sleeping than anything else; not even lunch could raise her spirit. Maybe I'll feel better after a nap? She thought, as Mark checked her room and let her in.

"I'll be back to wake you. Are you sure you don't want lunch?" He asked her, concerned.

"I'm sure. Thank you." She said, as he pulled the curtains together before turning to leave and closing the door behind him.

Crawling in between her covers, she tried to clear her mind, but nothing worked. No matter how much she tried not to think, all she could remember was how upset Sophia had been. It's not my fault, she tried to persuade herself, I had no other choice, no one's even blaming me.

Closing her eyes, she finally drifted off in to a dreamless sleep.


"Lex...finally hungry?"

Seeing the Queen sulk into the kitchen for dinner, Nicholas was surprised she hadn't come in earlier. He had thought her skipping lunch would surely make her ravenous.

"Not really, but Valek won't let me sleep unless I eat." She told him, downcast.

"Anything the matter, Lex?" He asked, she had not been herself all day.

"No...nothing." She said, not meeting his eyes.

"Are you sure...because you had me thinking you didn't like my selection for lunch?" He tried lightening the mood, but it had no effect.

He wondered if she was still upset about Sophia? He had already told her that she had done the right thing. In fact if Alexandra had not been the one to send Sophia off, he would have done it himself. His sister had wreaked enough havoc.

"You know that sending Sophie away was the right thing, right Lex?"


"My parents said they were happy to see her after so long. They were helping her get settled in to her new room." He told the young ruler.

It had been a few days since Sophia's departure, and he had noticed that Alexandra was not herself. She said nothing in response. Bringing her a plate of food, Nicholas sat down beside her at the kitchen table.

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