Chapter Forty: Into The Isle

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Chapter Forty: Into The Isle

Walking in to the courtyard she heard two voices. It was dark, and she was pretty sure neither of them could see her. Standing against the wall, shrouded by the night, she listened intently to who was speaking.

"What do you want?" It was Valek, one of the Queen's heads of security.

"Valek...sir...I know I've really imposed on you over the last year, I know my behavior was unacceptable, but I needed to speak to you about something." She recognized the other voice as Samuel. What's he doing here still? She wondered, peering to see the two standing around.

"You have five minutes to tell me what you're doing back here in Astale, when I sent you back to Ifa a couple of weeks ago." Valek sounded unhappy.

"Look, Valek, I know what it means to work with you in the most prestigious outfit Seraphine's military has to offer. It means a lot to me that you kept me even after the fiasco last year."

"I only kept you because you told me you were getting married to that girl in Ifa, and because you agreed to be reposted." She heard Valek speak bluntly. What was this about?

"That's what I came here for. I want to resign."

Samuel's words shocked her, and clearly the head guard too.

"Are you serious?" Valek asked, taken aback. "After all that, you're really coming here to tell me that?"

"Yes...I am. I've thought about it a lot, since being reposted. I thought my career was the most important thing in my life. But since being in Ifa...I haven't been able to stop thinking about her."

Her heart started to beat faster. Was he...surely he couldn't be...talking about...

"By her, I'm guessing you mean Sophia." Valek said, breaking the silence.

"I am. I didn't go through with the marriage, something just didn't feel right about it." She heard Samuel admit. "I know you all think I used Sophia...but I didn't mean to. I do care about her, a lot. In fact, the only reason I'm giving this up is so that I have a chance with her."

"And you're sure about this?"

"I am...I was going to ask her...but she won't talk to me, and I haven't seen her at all lately. I was even going to speak to her parents."

In that moment, she decided to make her move. She couldn't have him talking to her parents...not now. Not when everything had been thrown into chaos.

"Valek...Samuel..." She spoke, stepping out of the shadows.

"Your Majesty..." Samuel bowed before her, while Valek glared daggers at her unbeknown-st to the other guard.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, curious if he would tell the truth.

"I was just telling Valek that I was leaving. I wanted to know if he had seen Sophia."

"Why would you be looking for her?"

"I wanted to ask if she would marry me...since I am resigning from my post." He told her, making her heart skip a beat. "Your Majesty, you don't by any chance know where she is? I haven't been able to find her."

"She went with Nicholas and Mark. It was last minute, and she didn't want to miss out on the trip." She said, thinking quickly.

"Oh, then I'll wait and come back some other time...I'll be taking your leave. Good night, Your Majesty...Valek."

Samuel left her alone with Valek, she heard him enter the castle, his footsteps getting further away.

"Don't even think about it, Sophia." Valek warned her, immediately.

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