Chapter Three: The Game of Revenge

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Chapter Three: The Game of Revenge

"You broke my favorite mug?!"

Grimacing in his mind, Nicholas didn't know what to do as he held on to the shattered remains of her mug. How had it gone from him thinking why was she so timid around him when they already knew each other, to why couldn't she stay shy in thirty seconds?

Behind her, his friends shot him an amused look. I'm dead, he thought. He remembered seeing Alexandra drinking from the mug several times over the course of the week, but it had never occurred to him that she liked it so much. I broke the Queen's mug and now she's going to kill me...Focus, Nick! He needed to explain to Alexandra what had happened.

"Sorry...I ordered new mugs and plates to replace the old cracked and chipped ones. I didn't know it was your favorite." He said, hoping she wouldn't hold a grudge, or make a big deal out of it. "I didn't want them hurting someone."

"But that was mine! It had my name on didn't even ask me!" She told him, looking more upset than angry.

"I did get you a new mug for tea." He told her, rushing to get out a large clear mug, with a bag of colorful rings for the rim from the cupboard.

"You can't replace my mug." Alexandra told him, the tone of her voice reminded him of when they were little. 'You can't tell me what to do!' She would say to Valek or Mark when they would be playing around the grounds.

"It's just a mug, Alex." Valek told her, as he sat down at the table.

"It's not!" She argued.

"Okay...who gave it to you?" Valek asked before Nicholas could, the guard sounded like he was implying something.

"No one, Valek! I got it myself." She said, angrily.

"Why is it your favorite?" Nicholas found himself asking, only to be caught in her glare.

"It's my favorite because...I bought it when I snuck out of the castle for the first time..." She told them, staring at the ground.

"That's it?" Valek asked sounding incredulous.

" was the first time after...after I became Queen." She told them, looking miserable. They all became quiet, a solemn look crossed Mark and Valek's faces.

Feeling bad about ruining something that had obviously meant a lot to her, Nicholas handed her the new mug.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know about that." He told her earnestly.

"How could you? You weren't here..." Alexandra gave him a look as she sat down, telling him he wasn't forgiven. She took the mug and rings from him without another word.

Leaving to grab the platter of freshly baked pastries on the counter, he stopped to take off his coat, revealing the black shirt he had on underneath.

"Wasn't that the time you and I left Sophie to cover for you at the meeting of the Lower House?" Mark reminisced, patting Nicholas on the shoulder, as he took a pastry before Nicholas had reached the table.

"Yes...they didn't even realize it wasn't me." Nicholas saw the smile on Alexandra's face as she remembered.

"You went along with her?" Nicholas asked Mark.

"Yes, I did." Mark answered, "Valek is too well known for those kinds of trips!"

Putting the plate in front of her, Nicholas waited with bated breath, but the young queen said nothing as she took a chocolaty pastry.

Sitting down beside Valek, he noticed someone was missing.

"So...Where is my sister, anyway?" Nicholas asked.

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