Chapter Forty One: What Was Meant To Be

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Chapter Forty One: What Was Meant To Be

'Come on, Nick!' There it was again, that voice. He heard laughter follow, as he looked around.

'Slow poke! You'll never catch me!' The voice taunted him.

'Just you wait-'

Jolting up from his dream, Nicholas looked around, he was in their shared hotel room. Breathing deeply he tried to calm himself down. It wasn't that the dream had been frightening, it was just that he was so close to finding out who she was. He was almost certain that he had been about to say her name when he woke up.

Turning to look beside him, Nicholas found her sleeping form. At times, he could have sworn her voice matched the one from his dreams. The one to which he had said he loved...There wasn't any other explanation to why the only person he didn't remember was her, and why out of everyone he felt most drawn in to her, as though something was pulling him towards Alexandra.

For a moment he saw her look up at him, a smile on her face, and he felt the urge to caress her face. But no sooner had the image come, it was gone, leaving the sleeping Queen in front of him. It had been hard to be around her lately, the moments leading up to their interrupted kiss still on replay. Why do I want you? He wondered, unable to make sense of anything. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.


They had moved to another part of the city, having decided that since they had finished looking through as many places as they could find near the Royal Hotel without any luck, it was best to change location and see if they would get anywhere.

As night fell around them, Alexandra was less than thrilled that they were still trolling night clubs for any slight hint to where the orb could be.

"You think maybe we'll find someone with the orb?" Mark asked, as they were about to enter a club.

"I don't know. I just hope where ever it is, that we find it fast." Alexandra said, stepping in to the building behind her guard. "I'm not sure how many more late nights I'll be able to take..."

"Think about it this way, at least now you have an excuse to sleep in." Nicholas said from behind her.

Unbelievable, Alexandra thought, Mark must have told him about her sleeping habits, of course sleeping in the same room would have done that too. Noticing the way he looked at her, Alexandra couldn't help to blush, the heat rising to her cheeks, she could all but feel the tension between them. A few nights ago they had been about to kiss, and Mark had walked in on them..again.

It had been a couple of months, and she had started to crave his touch. All Alexandra could think about was his lips on hers. Maybe he felt it too? She wondered, seeing him look away. Alexandra tried to clear her mind.

"Gives you a whole new appreciation for waking up early, huh, Lexie?"

She gave them an exasperated look.

Once at the bar, they ordered a few drinks. Alexandra stuck to a deep brown liquid, Cola, which she had found to have a rather appealing taste, while the other two decided to get a shot each of whiskey. In the past she had known Mark and Valek to go to a tavern for an occasional drink, once or twice she had seen Nicholas get dragged along with them. The chef wasn't much of a drinker, he usually stopped after the first shot, preferring to get a glass of Ginger Ale or some other soda. After all, she thought, he was the one to kill off my habit of fake drinking.

"Okay, so I'm going to start searching around here. Keep your phones on, in case I get something or find the orb." Mark said, having knocked back the shot.

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