Chapter Nineteen: Promise Me...

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Chapter Nineteen: Promise Me...

Pulling away from her, he brushed away the hair that had fallen over her eyes. Nicholas couldn't believe he had missed her the entire month he had been gone. The eyes staring back at him, expressed more than just happiness...he could tell he had hurt Alexandra quite a bit. He had been completely furious with her when he left, but no sooner had he reached Canterbury & Rosslyn, he had started to regret the way he had left things between them.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about leaving." Nicholas broke the silence. "I guess I just needed time to sort things out."

"And did you?" She asked, quietly.

"I think so." He smiled, before lowering his head to kiss her once more.

"Come on, I should get you inside before Mark and Valek go looking for you." He murmured, breaking away from her.

Pouting at him slightly, Alexandra raised a hand to caress his cheek.

"Promise me, we'll talk later...not just about this...but about your trip?" She asked him, her eyes shining.

He smiled at her request. It seemed almost as though she had missed him a lot more than he thought.

"I promise."

Leading them to the castle, Nicholas was caught off guard when he saw light coming through an open door. Mark and Valek stood waiting for them. If it wasn't for the fact that Valek and Mark were two of his best friends, Nicholas would have let go of Alexandra's hand...the two were an ominous pair.

He held on tightly to her cold hand, trying to soothe the look of apprehension on her face. He knew the two were close with her, but still...the situation they were in, was something none of them had gone through before.

"Everything all right, you two?" Mark asked, as they got to the entrance,

"Yes...everything is fine." Alexandra said, giving the guard a short glare.

"Come on Alex, it's time to get you to bed." Valek said, pointing at Alexandra to follow Mark. The Queen looked as though she was about to argue, but thought better of it.

"Fine...Good night, Nicholas..." Alexandra said, as he let go of her hand. Mark nodded at him with a smile, before heading off with the young ruler.

"Good night, Lex."

"Run off on me again, and you won't be so lucky next time." He could hear the guard telling the Queen off as they walked down the hall.

"And what exactly are you going to do?" Alexandra could be heard, goading him on.

"Seriously, I will chain you to your room..."

"I'd like to see you try!"

"Don't push me, Alex..."

Turning to face Valek, Nicholas winced. His face was expressionless, making the younger man worry about his fate...a little.

"Walk with me, Nick." The guard said, turning to walk down the opposite hallway.


As they walked in silence, Nicholas waited for Valek to speak.

"You already know the threats that go along with courting Alex." The guard said at last.

"I do."

"Then I think there isn't any point in my repeating them. You know the consequences of hurting Alexandra. I'll only tell you this..."

"What?" Nicholas wondered.

"Break her heart, and you'll be broken into pieces in less than 60 seconds." Valek told him, turning to look at him.

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