Chapter Thirty Eight: Crying Out For Him

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Chapter Thirty Eight: Crying Out For Him

Lying in his bed, he thought over the days events. They were in another country, and even after a whole day of searching through the woods, they had not found the orb. It was like with each one they found, the difficulty became greater to find the next. Luckily, they had managed to find a road leading them to a motel, close to a town. It was as if the Oracle's trinket made sure they landed close to a place where they could rest. Whatever it was, he was thankful they at least had a roof over their heads; he was more than happy to avoid the security scare sleeping in the woods could cause.

Seeing a glow on his night stand, Mark picked up the seven cornered mirror. Looking into it, he saw his reflection dissolve, before Valek's features came through.

"How is it going, Mark?" His cousin asked, looking at him intently.

"As well as can be expected. How are you?"

"Fine. Everything is going smoothly here." His cousin told him. Mark could tell by his tone that Valek wished to be there with him, with the Queen...not watching the country and it's usual goings on. Valek had always been the one to travel, while Mark would be in the castle looking after Alexandra; unless of course the Queen was traveling around the country, in which case they both would go with her.

"That's good. Have your men found David yet?" He asked, knowing Valek had sent a few guards to look for the former lord and keep an eye on his whereabouts.

"It's like the bastard vanished. There's not a trace of him. Don't worry though, I have a man in Saarsgard looking out for him, while another few are keeping an eye on his favorite spots in Seraphine." Valek looked irritated.

"I doubt he'll show up anytime soon. He's probably laughing it up with Bradley." Mark said, foully. The King of Saarsgard had always tried to take Seraphine down, and claim it as his own.

"I don't know...Bradley...has been quiet. Nothing out of the ordinary though." Valek informed him.

"You and I both know that him being quiet is out of the ordinary." Mark retorted.

"I know...but there's been no grumblings of anything. Nothing to suggest he'll try anything."

"Try anything yet..." Mark corrected.

"True...don't worry though. We'll be watching Saarsgard and Drachma. I just hope you lot will be back soon."

"Me too..."

"How is Alex, anyway?"

"She's fine...haven't you spoken to her?" Mark asked, wondering why Valek was asking him.

"I've tried...she won't answer me...or she says that she has to go..." Valek looked unhappy.

"You know she doesn't mean anything by it." Mark reassured him.

"I know...I think she just doesn't want me asking how she is."

"She doesn't even like me asking her that." Mark admitted. As he said this, he heard a door nearby open and shut.

"Sorry, cousin, I have to go...someone sounds as though they've gotten out of bed...and I'm pretty sure I know who that someone is."

"Alright...make sure you take care of everyone." Valek told him.

"I will. Take good care of the country, cousin. Or Alex will kill you."

"Don't you worry about it." Valek smirked, as the image faded.

Getting out of his bed, Mark rushed to the door. Swinging it open, he turned to see who it was, only to come face to face with-

"Alexandra..." He bit back his irritation.

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