The Monster's Curse

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There was no one coming to her rescue. She was all alone, running through her dimly lit house. Her mother was... a monster. Her father was monstrous too. Blinded and silenced, he couldn't save her. There was no one left to turn to. Chrissy ran to the front doors and yanked them open. "No!" She faced a wall. The entrance had been boarded up. She was trapped. "Help! Help!" she screamed. She threw herself at the boards, desperately. "Somebody, help me! Help!" 

"Chrissy." A deep, evil, gurgling voice called her name.

"No," she whimpered. 

Chrissy's heart was pounding so hard she felt sure she would die before the monster killed her. Her body would reach its limit and fail. Never in her life had she been so afraid. The fear was painful. A stabbing sensation in her chest. But, even through all that fear, all that pain, the tiniest sliver of a thought splintered in Chrissy's mind and grew. This wasn't right. She hadn't been in her house. She had been in Eddie's trailer. Eddie. Where was Eddie?

"Eddie!" Chrissy screamed. It was then the monster rounded the corner and, seeing it for the first time, Chrissy nearly fainted. No, this couldn't be real. She was at Eddie's. This wasn't real. "Eddie!" she screamed again. He had to be somewhere close by. The thought gave her the smallest bit of comfort. He was there. He had to be there. Eddie Munson; who hadn't been mean and scary at all, who had instead been kind and funny. Eddie Munson had made her laugh, had listened to her, and made her feel less crazy. Eddie was there, she knew he was, even if she couldn't see him. She wasn't alone.

And that's when she heard him. Faint but unmistakably Eddie.

"Chrissy, wake up!" he was yelling her name, over and over again. "I don't like this, Chrissy! Wake up!" His voice was frayed with fear.

"Eddie!" she screamed again and suddenly she could see him too. The wall behind the monster rippled and a tunnel opened and a long way off, at the end of that tunnel, Chrissy could see herself with Eddie. They were in his trailer, in the living room. Eddie was yelling her name and shaking her shoulders. "Chrissy, wake up now! Chrissy!" She watched him patting her cheek frantically, his eyes wild and scared.

"Eddie!' she screamed, and even though there was a monster between her and him she ran towards him. Towards the monster. She ducked past it, twisting her body around its gruesome flesh, and sprinted down the tunnel. The room on the other side seemed so far away, but she could still see herself. She could still see Eddie. She was getting closer and he was there, shaking her, trying to wake her up. She was going to make it.

Author's Note:

Hey! Oatmeal here. I'm sitting at my table in Stockholm wishing the summer was hotter in dear old Sweden. Thank you for reading Part 2! I hope everyone's having a nice summer. Is it hot where you are?

Obviously hotter because of Eddie ;) but what about otherwise?

The Freak and His Queen [Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham]Where stories live. Discover now