4~ Cold

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My heart beats against my chest and my ears are ringing, deafening out the rest of the world. I let out a breath and can see it fog in front of my face. I look around, realizing I'm in the middle of a snow-covered forest. All I can see are trees. I start to panic, realizing I'm lost. I hate the cold, not to mention I'm only wearing my super suit, which doesn't help at all against the frigid weather. For some reason it feels familiar though, like I've been here before.

I look down at my hands, and see they're covered in blood. Was that there before? My head starts to spin, and I lose my balance, falling on my hands and knees. Everything goes blurry. The snow in front of me is now covered in red, and I start to feel hot. Is it getting warmer? Why am I sweating?  


I whip my head around. 

Red and blue. The colors stand out against the white snow. I look up, my eyes falling on a stern face, studying me with bright blue eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask, confused. 

"Shhhh," Homelander shushes, kneeling down to my level. 

"No," I shake my head, closing my eyes. 

I wake up with a start, gripping my blanket. I'm breathing hard and I can feel my heart beating its way out of my chest. I instinctively look at my hands, they're clean. I sigh, peeling myself out of my sweat covered sheets. 

That dream. I've had it many times before. The forest is sometimes covered in snow, sometimes ash, sometimes blood. But never has there been another person, and definitely not Homelander. 

I look at my clock, it's almost seven. I woke up early for once. 

I take off my clothes and jump in the shower, turning it all the way cold. I run my face under the water, hating every second of the iciness on my skin. But it takes the feverish feeling away, so I deal with it. 

After my shower I get ready for the day, still distracted by the dream. I don't even notice someone's knocking on my door until they've already barged in. 


It's Ashley, should've guessed. 

"What's up?"

"Oh good," she nods, "You're awake." She taps something out on her iPad before turning the screen to me. 

It's some kind of graph chart. I don't even try to read it, I'm too tired. 

"What's it mean?" I ask, using a string of my power to grab a protein bar from the cupboard. 

She gives me an exasperated look, "It means you already have higher ratings than the rest of the Seven did when they first started." 

I don't even attempt to look excited. 

"Look," she sighs, "We need this, we need you. And we need you to work with us."

"I am," I say, "I've done everything you've asked."

"Which we love! I'm not saying you haven't been perfect! Because you have. I was just sent here to let you know you need to keep doing as we ask."

I take a bite of my breakfast, "And what makes you think I won't?"

"Nothing!" she says, her voice getting higher. "There's just some higher ups that think your heart isn't in it."

"Well of course it isn't," I narrow my eyes, "Vought took that privilege away from me a long time ago."

Ashley gives me a sad look, deciding to drop it. "Well," she clears her throat, "Your meeting with the others starts in an hour, don't be late. And, make some friends." With that, she's gone. 

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