10~ Dreams

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Homelander is standing in front of me, staring at me with blue eyes. There's no anger in his expression, no frustration radiating out of him. His hand reaches up to my face, softly caressing my cheek. I feel myself leaning into his touch.

His other hand slides up my shirt, my skin tingling at his bare touch.

He holds my eyes with his as he uses his other hand to cup the side of my neck, pulling my face closer to his.

Our foreheads touch, and his mouth parts. I feel his breath, and I lean in.

Our lips meet, and he's resigned at first, kissing me slowly. Then his grip on my waist tightens and he deepens the kiss, pushing me against the wall.

"Shit," he mutters against my lips. "I've wanted to fuck you against a wall since the first day I saw you."

"Please," I whisper, reaching my hand down to his crotch. I meet his eyes again, silently begging. I caress his bulge softly, and hear his shuttering breath in return.


I gasp, sitting up and taking in my dark, empty room. It seems too empty, especially after my dream.

There's a gray tint outside. The sun has barely risen and everything's covered in clouds. It must be about five.

I put my face in my hands, laughing slightly.

That dream felt too real. I can almost still feel his hands on my waist, his lips on mine...

"Stop," I mutter, slapping myself lightly on the forehead.

I don't even want to hear his name in my thoughts. So I try to shut it out.

I can't get back to sleep despite the time, so I make myself some tea and sit on my couch.

I've just gotten comfy with my book and am about to take a sip of my tea when there's an urgent knocking on my door.

"Jesus Christ," I groan, getting up and marching to the door.

I open it, ready to tell Ashley I'm gonna quit if she keeps bothering me. But instead I'm met with a very familiar face. One I saw just minutes ago. But this time he looks extremely bothered and confused.


Before I can ask what he's doing here, he pushes past me and walks into my room.

He turns, raising his eyebrows like he's wondering why I'm not following him.

I shake my head slightly, shutting the door and taking a step towards him.

His eyes glance down my body, and I realize I'm only wearing my floral patterned tank top and matching shorts.

I smile slightly, "Do you wear that to bed?" I ask Homelander, who's currently wearing his super suit.

"Of course not," he mutters, crossing his arms. "Do you wear that to bed?"

"Of course not," I repeat his words. "I go commando."

I don't sleep naked, but the lie was worth it to see his face go red.

"What are you doing?" He asks accusingly.

"What am I doing? You're the one who's barging into my room at the crack of dawn."

"Because of you," he spits, pointing his finger towards me.

"What are you talking about?" I cross my arms, wishing I was back in bed.

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