5~ Memories

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'Your stance is all wrong,' I hear Noir thinking.

"What? Are you kidding?" I ask, knowing damn well my stance is perfect. "I've been practicing this since I was 12."

'And who taught you? Your grandma?'

I scoff, pretending to be offended.

"Let's actually fight first, then you can judge."

Black Noir nods, getting into a fighting position.

The whole team was supposed to have a 'team bonding' training session today. Noir and I were the only ones that showed up. We're in one of the smaller training gyms. It's got a few sparring mats and punching bags but that's about it.

'Remember, no powers,' he thinks.

"Don't worry," I smile, "I don't need them."

Noir jumps at me first, trying to tackle me. I easily side step him, turning as he attacks again. This time he throws a punch, and I block it with my forearm, punching him in the gut with my other hand. It doesn't do much, and he knees me in the stomach, trying to grab onto my neck and put me in a chokehold. I duck under his arms, coming up behind him and jumping onto his back. I climb up to his shoulders and put him in a chokehold. His hands reach up to mine, trying to pry them off, but my grip is tight. He backs up into the wall, crushing me in between.

I make a small oof sound, the wind being knocked out of me.

I try to jump off of his shoulders but he has me stuck, holding me down with his arms. He turns, making it so I'm in front of him, my legs over his shoulders and going down his back. His hands gripping onto my back.

He holds me there, and throws us both to the ground. We're now in an awkward position, me on my back and my legs curled around his shoulders, both of us on the ground.

I giggle, listening to him swear to himself in his head. I feel some anger radiating from somewhere, but it's not Noir.

In one quick motion, I grab onto his head, and using both my legs and my arms, roll us over so I'm on top of him. I snatch one of the knives from his suit and hold it to his throat.

He raises his hands in a surrender and I smile, dropping the knife.

I climb off of him and stand up, offering a hand to him. He grabs it and I hoist him up.

'Not bad,' he thinks, 'But I was going easy on you.'

I shake my head, laughing, and let go of his hand. I turn towards the exit, ready to leave.

Homelander is leaning in the doorframe, watching us with anger in his eyes.

I curse internally, wishing he would just fuck off. Why does he hate me so much?

I grab my phone which is sitting on the gym floor and head for the exit. Homelander stays leaning in the door, watching me get closer.

I glare at him before pushing past him out of the door.

I hear him greet Noir as I'm leaving. I've never actually heard him be so nice to someone.  I didn't know he could.

I've been running into him so much lately, and I hate every second of it. In meetings he'll ask me questions he knows I don't want to answer. We had to do a talk show the other day, Homelander, Maeve, and I. He made it horrible. It's like he's trying to make me kill him. And the worst part is, no one even notices. I guess most people can't pick up on his evil energy. But I feel it, I feel his anger every time he steps into a room. His frustration fills my senses whenever I'm near him. He hasn't put a hand on me since the elevator incident, but who's to say he isn't biding his time, coming up with a plan to get rid of me for good?

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