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"Before I ended our class today, let me congratulate these two best friends who manage to win a grand prize and second prize among the colleges in our country for the art competition last week," Professor Im said.

The students in the class cheered and clapped their hands for them. They already knew about the news and yes it's one of the college's achievement as well. That's why their lecturer mentioned it too.

"Congratulations, Yoon Jaehyuk. Hamada Asahi. Even though both of you didn't even major in art, I believe you two has a bright future in this field as well," Professor Im said.

"Uu~~ Best friends~~" Jihoon who's sitting next to Jaehyuk teased Jaehyuk because he know that this friend over here didn't like to be called as 'best friend' with Asahi.

"You guys are really good looking too. Sometimes God surely unfair," Professor Im said while faking cry, resulting chaos in that lecture hall.

"Our Prince Charming and Ice Prince!!"

"Double princes of the T College!"

"Professor Im, you're good looking as well!"

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure," Professor Im said. "Anyway, don't forget to submit your homework by our next class or I'll make you the lecture for our next class,"

The class whined. Professor Im chuckled.

"Okay. Class dismissed," Professor Im said.

"Thank you, Professor Im," the students said as they keeping their things and some already exiting the lecture hall already.

"Uu~~ Best friends," Junghwan teased Jaehyuk as soon as he walked toward Jaehyuk's place.

"I've told you. J-"

"Just because our families are friends and our friends are friends, doesn't mean that both of us automatically friends as well," Junghwan and Jihoon cut Jaehyuk's words in unison.

Reciting perfectly what he wanted to say. Because he has been telling them the same phrase ever since they're 9, when the first time Asahi transfered here.

Jaehyuk glared at his two best friends. Then he turned at Asahi who already walking toward the door, exiting the lecture hall.

"And he won the grand prize again," Jaehyuk sighed.

"You and your antique. You realized that you're participating in an Art Competition where everyone who attend university or college in this country can participate, right? How did you expect that you can win the grand prize when Asahi obviously will participate in it as well?" Junghwan asked.

"Because he secretly hoping that Asahi somehow didn't participate in it so he can win the grand price," Jihoon said.

"I am not," Jaehyuk said. He took his bag and walked out from the lecture hall. His two best friends followed him.

"What make you disliked him so much to the point you don't want people to mention him as your best friend? He didn't even do anything to you," Junghwan said.

"He didn't do anything? Yeah. Sure. Ever since he transfered here, I can't even have a peace," Jaehyuk said.

"Did he bothered you?" Junghwan asked innocently.

"Because he didn't do anything," Jaehyuk said.

"What?!" Junghwan didn't really get what his best friend trying to say.

"Because even Asahi didn't put any effort, he get the spotlight," Jihoon explained.

Junghwan nodded. Because it's true. And Jaehyuk hated to admit it.

As soon as Asahi transfered to their school back then in elementary school, Asahi got the 'prince' lable as well when it used to only Jaehyuk who's the 'prince' in their school and even neighborhood.

Asahi excelled in art without even need to try hard but Jaehyuk need to took a lot of classes to get at his skill right now.

Jaehyuk don't like the fact that their families are friends. Jaehyuk's parents always mentioned Asahi and sometimes compared him to Asahi for some things. And it really bothering Jaehyuk.

Hamada Asahi has been his biggest obstacle in Yoon Jaehyuk's life since he appeared in front of him on one fine day. Jaehyuk sighed.

"You're still handsome and the prince, Jaehyuk-ah. Maybe some people like Asahi's cold mysterious kind of visual. It's subjective matter, right? Don't take it too serious," Junghwan said.

"And about your art skill... You used to took classes just to impressed your famous artist cousin, right?" Jihoon asked.

"He has a famous artist cousin?!" Junghwan asked.

"Yeah. Yoon Jeonghan is his cousin. Yoon Jeonghan was the one who always played with him when he's just a child, that's why he wanted Yoon Jeonghan to noticed him and be proud of him by taking classes and participating in art competitions," Jihoon said.

"Wah. That's a new information to add on Yoon Jaehyuk fancafe," Junghwan said.

"What the hell?" Jihoon said to Junghwan.

"I took classes because I genuinely like art," Jaehyuk said.

"But still lost to Asahi," Jihoon said. "You know, Jaehyuk. Your life is so boring. You have been starting a war between you and Asahi when it's only you who's eager about it. Asahi just living his life without any problem,"

Jaehyuk knew it very well. But he can't help but to dislike the fact that it's always Asahi who's in front of him.

"And about being called as friend. Even in school, we all are friends. Why are you making fused about it. So childish," Jihoon said.

"True. I agree," Junghwan added.

"I don't like it, okay. Me and Asahi are not friends," Jaehyuk said.

"Then what? Enemies? Rivals?" Jihoon asked.

"Lovers?" Junghwan asked.

"NO!" Jaehyuk said.

"Hey! It will be fun if suddenly they dated, isn't it?" Junghwan asked Jihoon while giggled happily imagining the scenario.

"Are you crazy? No," Jaehyuk said. "In your dream,"

"Yeah. Probably no. Asahi doesn't even looked like he care about him. Asahi didn't has even slight interest toward Jaehyuk. So, in your dream," Jihoon said while tapping Junghwan's shoulder.

Suddenly Jaehyuk's phone buzzed. He took out his phone. It's a text message. Jaehyuk sighed as he saw the sender name.

Hamada Asahi

- my mom asked you have a dinner at my family's place because your parents are on a business trip

"Look! How can he keep saying that they're not friends when their chats are like friends," Junghwan said after he secretly read Asahi's text message on Jaehyuk's phone.

"It's rude to peek on someone's phone, So Junghwan," Jihoon said.

"Sorry," Junghwan timidly responded.

"It's just because our families are friends. That's all," Jaehyuk sighed.

He replied the message with a simple OK. He can't refuse Mrs Hamada's invitation. His parents will be mad if he did so.

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