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"Sunbae. You know that you'll be a huge help if you join us, right?" Yuri said.

She didn't missed the chance to asked Jaehyuk to joined the design team when she saw him at the office. Even though Jaehyuk has been declined it, she still wanted to try her luck.

"Please," Yuri tried to begged Jaehyuk. She heard from the senior that she need to follow Jaehyuk around and he'll definitely join them.

"I'm sorry but I need to kindly decline," Jaehyuk said.

One of the reason why he don't want to be a part of the design team is because his cousin will coming to that festival. Yes. His artist cousin, Yoon Jeonghan.

Jaehyuk know that if he joined the team, he'll be busy for the whole week and will unable to hang out with his cousin, Yoon Jeonghan at the festival at all.

It has been years since the last time he saw Jeonghan. Last month, Jeonghan told him that he'll be back from Paris after his current exhibition and willing to attend the college's festival.

Yoon Jeonghan is one of the alumni of that college. He always got invited to many of the event being held but it always clashed with his schedule.

Jaehyuk want to at least hanging out with Jeonghan at the festival. Because after that festival, Jeonghan will be abroad again and he doesn't know when Jeonghan will be back again.


"I'm really sorry. But I have a class after this," Jaehyuk said in a hurry to convinced Yuri that he's running late. "See you around,"

Jaehyuk didn't lie when he said he has a class. And he's already late right now.

But he can use the excuse that he helped one of his lecturer to carry something to the office. Because he actually did before he met the junior from design team.

"Oh. Yoon Jaehyuk, Ms Kim told me that you'll be late for my class," Professor Kwon said before Jaehyuk able to say anything.

"Ah. Yes," Jaehyuk said.

"We already ready for the next pairing project. Because your best friend, Asahi will also be late for my class, it's only two of you who haven't get a partner so I paired both of you," Professor Kwon said.


"Excuse me," Asahi said as he walked in. All eyes on him. Jaehyuk's as well.

"Ah! Mr Yoo told me about you helped him with things. Come in," Professor Kwon said.

"Thank you," Asahi said.

"So. Just like what I just said. Both of you will partner up for the next pairing project," Professor Kwon said.

Jaehyuk glanced at Asahi who looked uninterested in anything. Just nodded at the lecturer's words. Jaehyuk sighed.

Both of them sat at the empty seat at the back of the lecture hall. Jaehyuk really dislike the fact he need to pair up with Asahi.

Because one, he dislike Asahi. Two, Asahi is not fun to be around with because he didn't respond to anything like a normal human. He's more like a robot. It does make Jaehyuk uncomfortable.

After an hour of lecture, the class dismissed. Asahi gave him a paper with the topics they need to working on.

Jaehyuk scanned the paper. Asahi already done 60% of the work for their project. He hated it.

"If there's anything more, I'll text you," Asahi said plainly before stood up and walked out from the lecture hall. Jaehyuk sighed.

Another reason why he dislike Asahi. He always do all the work. Yes. He'll put the credit under other people's name as well but in reality he done almost everything.

Some people will be glad for that. But not Jaehyuk. He wanted to work on his thing by himself as well. He wanted to contribute. He doesn't like riding on someone's work.

It make him feel useless if he do that. And now, he felt like that. Useless.

"Uu~~ Best friends," Jihoon teased him as soon as they exited the lecture hall.

"Why don't you said that you're going to pair with me or something?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Because I've promised Sungchan that I'll pair with him for our next pairing project," Jihoon said. "Why don't you ask Junghwan to do so?"

"Because he'll definitely pair with Doyoung no matter what," Jaehyuk said.

"Ah.. True," Jihoon nodded. "It might not be that bad. He's quite a smart student, right? You didn't need to do much,"

"That's also why. My value dropped significantly whenever he's around," Jaehyuk said. "Even you yourself said that. That I don't have to do anything. I don't want to no doing anything. I have to do something,"

"Chill man. It's just a school project," Jihoon said.

"Guys!" Jaehyuk and Jihoon turned at that familiar voice.

It's Junkyu. He walked happily toward them, just like a child.

"Why is he looked like that?" Junkyu asked.

"Same old thing," Jihoon said.

"Asahi?" Junkyu guessed. "What is it about this time?"

"They got paired automatically because they're late for class," Jihoon said.

"It's good, right? Asahi is smart and hardworking. He won't make you do all things by yourself," Junkyu said.

"That's why he's complaining about it. He said his value dropped when Asahi's around," Jihoon said.

"Eh? I feel like their value rocketed when their around each other. Like just look at the visual combination. Legendary," Junkyu said.

"I didn't approve that," Jaehyuk said.

"No one asked you to do so," Jihoon said.

"And why are you here? Don't you have any class after this?" Jaehyuk asked.

"I have. But I just want to tell you that Mashi and Hyunsuk are going to throw a birthday party for Yoshi," Junkyu said.

"Birthday party? Today is his birthday? Yoshi's?" Jihoon asked.

"Yeah. And he invited us to come as well. Tonight. 8 pm at the Classy Restaurant," Junkyu said.

"Oh! It's near to Jaehyuk's neighborhood," Jihoon said.

"Will there be alcohol?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Of course," Junkyu said.

"Okay. I'm in," Jaehyuk said. "I need to release my stress after all thing things happening today,"

"Me too," Jihoon said.

"Okay. I'm going to find Junghwan and Jeongwoo as well," Junkyu said.

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